  • 學位論文


Competitive Advantage Analysis of Precise Model Industry: A Case Study of Company F

指導教授 : 康敏平


近年由於網際網路和產業分工的普及,使得傳統產業的生產型態改變,原本納為製造業一環的精緻模型產業,在面對瞬息萬變的全球環境時,必須改變原有的經營模式,以快速反應外在市場的強大衝擊。 目前模型試做廣泛應用於各行各業,從電腦、家電、汽車、醫療到航太產業等,多數產品在開模量產前都需要先透過模型試作來驗證可行性,可為國家產業競爭力不容忽視的推手。競爭激烈的模型試作市場,強調產品客製化和短期交貨,與其他國家的模型同業相互競爭及削價,使得台灣模型產業的處境更加艱困。延續企業競爭優勢對現階段精緻模型產業而言,是企業迫切需要解決的問題和未來經營策略的方向。 本研究以F企業為研究對象,F企業是一家精緻模型企業所獨立出來的接單中心,目前市場以台灣、亞洲、北美和歐洲等區域的品牌公司和設計公司為主,透過台灣與中國等地的生產供應鏈,配合客戶製作其所需求的客製化產品。為使F企業在全球競爭中能找出其獨特的優勢和穩固的市場地位,本研究利用五力分析和資源基礎理論為研究基礎來探討F企業,藉此從中找出企業競爭優勢,並利用企業獨有的專業核心技術和色彩工藝美學做為市場區隔,在面對外在競爭威脅時,能有效分析評估並提出解決方案來擴展歐美市場、厚植規模經濟。 本研究期望能成為產業在進入國際市場時的依循,找到台灣中間隱形產業的難度和解決方法,進而使台灣中間隱形產業能永續發展於國際市場。


In recent years, due to the popularization of internet and industrial division of labor, traditional industrial production has been changing. Precise model industry which used to be the part of industrial production also needs to change its original business model to adapt to a rapidly changing competitive environment. Precise models are widely applied to various industries such as computing, home appliance, vehicle, medical and aerospace because most of the industries need prototypes to prove the product workability before the mass production. The competitive model industry which is characterized by product customization and rapid delivery impacts the advantage of model quality in Taiwan model industry. At the same time, the competitiveness from other countries make Taiwan model industry be in a much worse situation. Therefore, improving competitive advantage is the most significant issue that Taiwan precise model industry must solve now. F company is the subject in this research, it is the order center from a precise model business. F company’s current customers are branding and design companies from Taiwan, Asia, North America and Europe. Through the supply chain in Taiwan and China, F company is able to customize the products based on clients’ needs. In order to find out the competitive advantage and the unique core capabilities, this research employs five forces analysis, resource-based theory and OLI-model to analyze F company. Hopefully, this research can be the guide to other industries in Taiwan trying to enter the international market and thus help those industries be able to develop the business in the international market sustainably.


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