  • 學位論文


Study of the Culture Preservation and Sustainable Development Strategy of Military Dependents’ Village – A Case Study of the Farewell, 886 Cultural Park of Taiwan Military Veteran Village

指導教授 : 董澤平


眷村是政府為安定軍心、照顧眷屬所建造的群居聚落,由於特殊的時空背景及建築形式,造就了人與人之間緊密依附的情感,是一種在物資匱乏的時代大家彼此互助的精神。眷村不僅是國共內戰下的產物,也見證了臺灣上個世紀民族遷徙及族群融合的過程,是臺灣重要而獨特的文化資產。隨著世代更迭、經濟起飛、眷改制度的興起,眷村消失的速度飛快,眷村文化保存運動因而從民間發起,並逐漸被各方所重視。 高雄市左營擁有全臺規模最大的海軍眷村,其中明德、建業新村為高級日遺官舍,明德新村更有「將軍村」之稱。民國99 年高雄市政府將明德、建業新村登錄為文化景觀,民國101 年國防部更將明德、建業新村評選為全臺13處眷村文化保存區之一,顯見上開眷村在文化、歷史、建築上都極具保存價值,為了活化利用眷舍,高雄市政府文化局積極向國防部申請代管眷舍,於民國107年設立「再見捌捌陸─臺灣眷村文化園區」,並推行「以住代護」計畫,期能在保存眷村文化之餘,又能達到節省公帑的效果。 本研究旨在探討「再見捌捌陸─臺灣眷村文化園區」眷村文化保存與永續經營之策略,並據此目的設計研究架構、研擬訪談大綱,以文獻分析法、田野調查法及半結構式訪談等方法,針對園區現行經營者、承租眷舍之業者及原眷戶,從眷村文化保存的意義、困境、經營模式、民間參與經營程度及「以住代護」計畫成效等方面,探討園區目前眷村文化保存與經營之成果,期望透過具體建議,使「再見捌捌陸─臺灣眷村文化園區」能藉由公私協力的模式引進專業團隊經營,建立起Business Ecosystem(商業生態系統),以達永續經營之目的,並作為其他眷村改造之契機及典範。


The military dependents' village is a community settlement which was built for reassuring soldiers and taking care of their dependents. Due to the special background characteristic of times and architectural form, it has made closer relationship and emotional attachment among the villagers. It is the spirit of mutual assistance during the times of supply shortage. The military dependents' village was not only a product of Chinese civil war but also witnessed the whole process of ethnic migration and ethnic integration in Taiwan in the last century. It is an important and unique cultural asset of Taiwan. As the era changes, the economic take-off, and the rise of the military dependents’ reform system, military dependents’ villages has vanished rapidly. Therefore, the cultural preservation movement of military dependents’ villages has been initiated from the private sector, and gradually draw much attentions from all parties. The Zuoying District of Kaohsiung City’s has the largest naval dependent village in Taiwan. Among them, Mingde and Jianye New Villages are high-end Japanese officials’ residences, and Mingde New Village is also known as "General Village". In 2010, the Kaohsiung City Government has registered Mingde and Jianye New Villages as cultural landscapes. In 2012, the Ministry of National Defense selected Mingde and Jianye New Villages as one of the 13 cultural preservation areas in Taiwan. Obviously, the above military dependents' villages have great value of preservation in cultural, historical, and architectural perspectives. In order to activate the use of the military dependents' houses, the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government actively applied to the Ministry of National Defense to manage the military dependents' houses. In 2018, the establishment of "Farewell, 886 Cultural Park of Taiwan Military Veteran Village" (hereinafter called “886 Cultual Park”) was established, and the Protection through Residence project has implemented. Such project was designed to preserve the culture of military dependents' villages, and save governmental funding. The purpose of this study is to discuss the strategies for the preservation and sustainable management of the culture of military dependents' village in the 886 Cultual Park; to design a research framework, develop interview outlines based on this purpose, and use the document analysis, field research and semi-structured interviews for the operators of the 886 Cultual Park, the house lessees and original families, from topics of the meaning of the culture of military dependents' villages’ preservation, the dilemma, the business model, the degree of private participation in the management and the effects of the Protection through Residence project to discuss the achievements of the preservation and management of the current military dependents' villages’ culture in the park. Though practical advices, this study intends to help 886 Cultual Park establish the Business Ecosystem by introduction of professional teams though public-private cooperation to achieve the purpose of sustainable management, and further becomes the opportunities and role model for the transformation of other military dependents' villages.


吳鴻儒,2010。以永續經營之觀點探討國軍眷村文化保存政策之現況與改善之研究,中華大 學科技管理所論文。
