  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Self-Order Kiosk’s Host on Customer Experience

指導教授 : 許書瑋


服務業是一種透過人與人互動交流方式進而產生交易的行業。現今速食餐飲產業面臨人力成本不斷增加、餐飲服務業持續缺工現況,許多業者開始考慮使用自助點餐機的服務來取代人力。台灣運用科技設備實施自助式服務已有多年,相較與其他國家推行時間比較,台灣消費者對於這種科技設備式的自助式服務,使用動機及意願始終不高。本研究是從業者在推行此種服務期間,安排服務人員進行引導使用是否有其必要性。此服務人員要如何提供消費者好的服務品質,以提高消費者使用動機及使用經驗二方面進行探討。 本研究採用個案研究法,進行方式運用研究對象訪問、對話訪談、直接參與觀察與個人親身體驗方式。 本研究結果(1)自助點餐機方便於顧客使用,但安排服務人員對速食業推行SOK時顧客使用的服務質量與顧客滿意有正面影響。(2) 服務人員的SOP訓練程序與推行後顧客實際服務需求會有差異,因應調整SOP訓練程序可以幫助服務人員在工作上更順利及提供顧客更好的服務體驗。


Service industry is a kind of interpersonal interaction transaction. Quick-service industry is facing a labor costs increased and staff shortage. Business is adopting self-service ordering kiosks (SOK) to replace employee services. Taiwan has implemented self-service technology for many years. Taiwanese consumers are lower motivation to use technology-based self-service devices than consumers in other countries. This study explores whether it is necessary for the business to arrange for service staff to conduct guidance services during the implementation period, and how the service staff can provide consumers with good service quality to enhance consumers' motivation and better using experience. Case study methodology adopted for this study, including interviews, observations with consumers and SOK service stuff. The results indicate that (1) The SOK is convenient for customers, however, quick-service industry implements SOK, the service staff has strongly influenced customer satisfaction and using SOK motivation. (2) The SOP training implementation of the service stuff will be different from the service demand of the customers after implementation. Adjusting the training program can provide customers with better service experience by improving the service staff's capabilities. These findings provide theoretical and practical implications for future studies and quick-service industry managers who are considering SOK or have already adopted them.


周秩年、陳威珞。2018.05。餐飲業發展趨勢。台灣趨勢研究,TTR台灣趨勢研究報告, P2 - P3。
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