  • 學位論文


Embeddedness and Development of Organizational Learning System:A Case Study of Financial Enterprise Training System

指導教授 : 邱皓政


隨著金融服務創新腳步不斷的演進,金融科技將漸漸地取代傳統金融服務模式,傳統金融業與其他產業一樣面臨了轉型的議題,金融業轉型必須從思維到做法,全面翻新,方能因應未來的新金融潮流及新興金融科技公司的挑戰。本研究主要以個案公司在面臨內部龐大且複雜的組織架構及人員編制,以及外部繁複的法規遵循規範及激烈的競爭下,能建立有系統的培訓體系,並能自成生態系統般自體運作,形成有效的學習系統,讓員工能真正的賦能,以因應未來的業務樣態模式並迎向金融科技的挑戰。本個案並以鑲嵌的觀念來進行討論,探討組織學習與鑲嵌概念中連結、適配、犧牲三者之間的連結度。 個案公司為台灣大型民營金融機構之一,極具台灣本土金融業的代表性,因此本研究採用文獻分析法及個案分析法,根據三個職系分別為業務體系、行政體系及策略體系的三位部門主管進行培訓訪談並彙整研究結果,歸納出培訓體系建構的方式及培訓能夠自體運作的關鍵因素。 本研究結果發現各職系的代表性部門主管皆認為金融科技會顛覆傳統金融業的業務模式,因此人員轉型刻不容緩,業務體系需要更及時且系統化的培訓,才能面對瞬息萬變的金融市場,優化客戶體驗。除此之外,要因應學習的大量化,則需善用內、外部的數位學習資源才能降低培訓的有形、無形成本並提高學習成效。最後內部講師梯隊的建立則對於組織鑲嵌有正面的貢獻,在連結、適配、及犧牲三個層面皆可以促進組織的團結及學習氛圍的建立,本研究證實金融業的培訓須朝者組織學習的方向落實教育訓練,並以組織鑲嵌理論中的連結、適配、犧牲三概念來落實員工培訓,不僅可以收到事半功倍的效果,還能促進組織團結,組織文化可以在無形當中形成,還能形成學習的生態圈,落實組織的學習力。


As the pace of innovation in financial services continues to evolve, fintech will gradually replace the traditional financial service model. The traditional financial industry is now facing the same issue of transformation as other industries. The transformation of the financial industry needs a comprehensive renovation from thinking to practice to meet the new financial trends and the challenges of emerging fintech companies. This study examines that under the condition of a large and complicated internal organizational structure and staffing, as well as complex external regulations and fierce competition, whether the case company can establish a systematic training system and operate as an ecosystem or to form an effective learning system, so the employees can truly empower to respond to the future business model and meet the challenges of fintech, this case will discuss with the concept of embeddedness, discuss the link between organizational learning and embeddedness , fit, sacrifice the connection between the three. The case company is one of the large private financial institutions in Taiwan, and it is very representative of Taiwan ’s local financial industry. Therefore, this study applies the literature analysis method and the case analysis method to summarize the training system construction method and the critical factors for the training to operate on its own by conducting training interviews to department heads from business, administration and strategy divisions. The results of this study found that the representative department heads of various grades believe that fintech will subvert the business model of the traditional financial industry. For that reason, personnel transformation is an urgent task. The business system needs more timely and systematic training to face the changing financial markets and optimize the customer experience. Besides, in order to cope with the rising demand for learning it is necessary to make good use of internal and external digital learning resources to reduce the tangible and intangible cost of training and improve learning effectiveness. Finally, the establishment of an internal lecturer echelon contributes positively to the organization of embeddedness. At the three levels of link, fit, and sacrifice, it can promote the unity of the organization and the establishment of a learning atmosphere. This study confirms that the training of the financial industry must learn from the organization. Implementation of education and training, and the implementation of employee training with the three concepts of link, fit, and sacrifice in organizational embeddedness theory, not only can receive more results with less effort, but also can promote organizational unity. Additionally, the corporate culture can be formed in the invisible and build a learning ecosystem to implement the learning ability of the organization.


王美玲、林燦螢、蔡錫濤、鄭瀛川合著(2018)。人力資源管理 理論與實務二版。員工訓練與發展,125-143。
