  • 學位論文


Business Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Travel Agencies In Taiwan:A Case Study of The Young International Travel Agency

指導教授 : 王仕茹


旅遊業是全球性的重要產業,也是我國近幾年致力發展的高經濟連動性產業。發達的旅遊業可帶動該國的交通、旅宿、餐飲、零售等服務業的發展,提供大量的就業機會與促進國內生產毛額的成長。而發達的旅遊業有賴相關旅行業者的努力,在台灣絕大多數的旅行業者屬於中小型旅行業者,他們分佈於全國各地,承擔起我國旅遊業第一線的重責大任,因此如何為中小型旅行業者找到經營之道,實為當務之急。 本研究剖析了台灣旅遊業的發展進程,並探索台灣旅遊消費趨勢與新數位科技對旅遊業之影響。接著,本研究擇定了欣業旅揚旅行社股份有限公司進行個案研究,以瞭解中小型旅行業者如何成功地運用利基行銷。究其主要經營策略有三:專注利基市場、優越的產品設計能力以及重視服務品質,欣業旅揚透過這三個主要策略,打造出「旅遊業界名牌」的企業形象與優良績效。


Tourism industry is universally recognised as a vital sector to which our country has recently committed a lot of resources because it could trigger huge economic spillover effects. A prosperous tourism industry could boost accompanying growth of related industries such as transportation, accommodation, catering, retailing, and so on. A well-established tourism industry also provides numerous employment opportunities and occupies a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). However, the prosperity of tourism relies heavily on contributions made by travel agencies. In Taiwan, small and medium-sized travel agencies represent a showcase for the tourism industry’s dynamism. Their performance is a very important indicator of tourism industry’s success. Therefore, they are in urgent need of an appropriate development of business strategies. This study discussed various stages of development regarding Taiwan’s tourism industry, the consumption trends of Taiwanese tourists, and the impacts brought by new digital technology. Empirically, this study conducted a case study of The Young International Travel Agency to understand how a small and medium-sized travel agency could successfully employ niche marketing strategies. The results showed that the three pillars of The Young International Travel Agency’s business strategy include “focusing on profitable niche markets,” “maintaining professional product-design capabilities,” and “emphasizing customer-centric, considerate services.” That is the way The Young International Travel Agency achieved its brand success and superior performance in Taiwan.


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t.t.n.旅報,2017,慶祝旅報發行1000期《跨越1000論壇》旅行業的未來 未來的旅行業(上),https://www.ttnmedia.com/%E6%85%B6%E7%A5%9D%E6%97%85%E5%A0%B1%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%8C1000%E6%9C%9F%E3%80%8A%E8%B7%A8%E8%B6%8A1000%E8%AB%96%E5%A3%87%E3%80%8B%E6%97%85%E8%A1%8C%E6%A5%AD%E7%9A%84%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86-%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86/,搜尋日期:2020年1月3日。
