  • 學位論文


The Research of Teaching Liaozi's and Zhuangzi's Philosophy in High School

指導教授 : 賴貴三




高中國文 《老子》 《莊子》 思想 教學


The Confucian school and Taoist school are both the main tradition of Chinese culture. The Confucian school has been the main stream from Han dynasty in China, and also represented the way for students who hungered for fame. Nowadays, students in Taiwanese high school have to study “Basic Materials of Chinese Culture”, which is “The Four Books”, the classics of The Confucian school. However, compare to The Confucian school, Taoist school is unseen, putting emphasis on experiencing the state of mind, so it seems not so obvious. Observating Taoist school in Taiwanese high school teaching materials, except “Collection of Laozi “and ” Collection of Zhuangzi”, there are some connections in other materials, like “Small Country” in “A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom Spring”, "Perpetual Living Like Nature” in “The First Ode for the Red Cliff”, “Combined with Nature” in “The Beginning of Feast and Travel in Xishan”. However, due to lacking of arrangement, teachers have to mention these Taoist philosophy at random, it would be uncertain whether students would learn the whole Taoist school in three years. So the research aims to define the topics and order of teaching Laozi’s and Zhuangzi’s philosophy, within the range of classical Chinese articles, examining the completeness and lack of present materials. The research hope could be helpful to teachers on the spot. It was the third year of using the new “Guidelines of High School” during this research. Considering the efficiency of results, and the practicableness on the spot, this research collect materials from ” 101 Academic Year Guidelines of High School”, with Book 1 and 2 for 101 academic year, Book 3 and 4 for 102 academic year, Book 5 and 6 for 103 academic year, including 5 versions of teaching materials. Hoping could provide the topics for teachers in teaching Laozi’s and Zhuangzi’s philosophy and combine the known knowledge into Taoist school for students who are in grade 12. There are five chapters in the study. First chapter is preface, about the motivation and aim of the study, defining the range, method and steps of research. Second chapter refers to scholars ‘ studies in Laozi and try to arrange the topics of teaching Laozi. The third chapter refers to scholars ‘ studies in Zhuangzi and try to arrange the topics of teaching Zhuangzi. The forth chapter tries to elaborate Laozi’s and Zhuangzi’s philosophy in teaching materials. The fifth chapter is conclusion, comparing the teaching topics and classical Chinese articles, hoping to develop the teaching of Laozi’s and Zhuangzi’s philosophy.


1. ﹝魏﹞王弼注:《老子道德經》,臺北:文史哲出版社,1990年初版。
2. ﹝明﹞焦竑:《莊子翼》,臺北:廣文書局有限公司,1970年3月再版。
3. ﹝清﹞吳楚材編,王文濡校勘:《古文觀止》,臺北:華正書局,1974年初版。
4. ﹝清﹞郭慶藩:《莊子集釋》,臺北:河洛圖書出版社,1974年3月初版。
