  • 學位論文


Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version Social Skills Improvement System – Rating Scales® in Junior High School Students with Autism

指導教授 : 王慧婷


社交技巧提升系統(Social Skills Improvement System;SSIS) (Gresham & Elliott, 2008)為一結合篩選、教學與評量的社會技巧評量 工具,其評量表分為教師版、家長版及學生版三個版本,以 3~5 歲、 5~12 歲以及 13~18 歲三個年齡層的學生為對象,可評量學生在社交技 巧、行為問題及學業能力三個領域的能力表現。除此之外,評量表中還 包含自閉症次量表,能協助篩選出具有自閉症特質的學生,以作為教師 提供教學介入的依據。本研究旨在探究社交技巧提升系統評量表中文版 (謝曼盈、王慧婷,未出版)對我國國中教育階段自閉症學生的測驗信效度。 本研究採立意取樣,研究對象分為自閉症組及一般生組。自閉症組 以 30 位國中教育階段安置普通班的自閉症學生及其家長、特教教師和 普通班教師為對象;一般生組以 30 位一般國中學生、30 位普通班教師 和 30 位家長為對象,總共 210 位。研究結果顯示,社交技巧提升系統 評量表中文版用以評估國中自閉症學生時,普通班教師與特教教師在社 交技巧分量表的評分者間一致性除學業一項外,其餘分量表評分者間一 致性較低。自閉症與一般生的區辨效度佳。在效標關聯效度部分,以國 中小學生社會行為評量表(蔡明富、吳裕益,2014)做為效標,進行教 師版、家長版及學生版三個版本評量表的相關性檢驗,在測量相同特質 的分量表間具有良好的效標關聯效度。 綜合上述,社交技巧提升系統評量表中文版為一可評估自閉症學生社交技巧能力並篩選出具有自閉症特質學生的評量工具,同時,能透過不同評量者的角度,了解教學介入的需求和方向,以發展合適的介入方案。如將此一評量工具應用於教學現場,應能有助於第一線的教師及早發現高風險群的學生,以利全校正向行為支持的推動。


The Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS; Gresham & Elliott, 2008) consisted of screening, curriculum and assessment. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese Version of the Social Skills Improvement System – Rating Scales (SSIS-RS; Hsieh & Wang, unpublished) in junior high school students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study used purposive sampling with a total of 210 participants. Participants included 30 students with ASD and their special education teachers, general education teachers, and parents. There were also 30 typically developing (TD) students, 30 general education teachers and 30 parents. Besides the Academic Scale, the results showed that inter-rater reliability of all the subscales of the teacher form between the special education teachers and the general education teachers were low. Besides, the Chinese version of the Social Skills Improvement System - Rating Scales had high discriminant validity among students with ASD and TD students. The criterion-related validity with the Social Behavior Assessment System for Children (SBASC;Tsai & Wu, 2014) among teacher form, parent form and student form was high. In conclusion, the Chinese version of the SSIS-RS is a valid and reliable tool when screening students with ASD and assessing their social skills. Meanwhile, to develop adequate curriculum, it requires different teacher raters to comprehend fully the needs of students with ASD. Teachers may apply it for quick screening of high risk students and for implementing school-wide positive behavior support.


台灣精神醫學會(2014):DSM-5 精神疾病診斷準則手冊。新北市: 合記圖書出版社。
林怡吟(2015): 運用藝術治療促進自閉症者之社交技巧。諮商與輔導,363,27-30。
