  • 學位論文


Residential construction plans as a spatial cognitive Image flip: a case study of Dayou area

指導教授 : 蘇淑娟


民國64年「南崁都市計畫」配合著台北市人口外移、地價高漲,以及桃園機場噪音與煉油廠汙染影響之下,桃園區大有路一帶與蘆竹區的南崁劃設為新市鎮。在此背景之下,資本的第二迴路找到了擴張方向,中山高速公路帶來郊區化,計畫區的發展快速,人口超過當時都市計畫預期人數,建案的開發也相當多。 大有商圈在「南崁都市計畫」第二次通盤檢討中確立地位,本研究範圍以健行路、大有路、民光東路及大業路的範圍,探討居民的認同是否因建案透過廣告文案而受吸引,以及建商試圖形塑的在地意象是否翻轉空間意象。本區建商多半以新光三越為營造一個大有地區商圈,加以虎頭山與南崁溪圍繞,將百貨、大自然符號化的廣告文本,小天母、新天母、大有商圈成為建商的廣告名詞,企圖提高生活品質意象與刺激消費。 居民對建商在大有商圈的開發感受有喜有悲,喜的是生活便利性,悲的是空間成為階級議題。房地產的開發影響當地區民對大有商圈的認知,郊區的自然美景被社區大樓天際線取代,便宜的地價被炒而高漲,居大不易;建案想利用公部門的計畫翻轉區域地位,但實際是愈來愈擁擠的居住空間與人口增加凸顯交通、休閒設施不足,大自然的美景被人工水泥建案取代,想像的小天母、新天母與大有商圈的繁榮卻無讓居民無此認同,難以扭轉地方意像。 大有商圈建案做為地域空間認知在建案與居民之間並不一致,研究認為需要更多不同類型的商店入駐以彰顯商圈的地位,並利用公部門的影響將虎頭山以及南崁溪與商圈做連結,才可能有機會翻轉居民的地方認同與意像。 關鍵詞:大有商圈、資本迴路、資本空間、符號消費、地方認同、意象翻轉


A Nan Kan urban planning in 1975 was designated in responding to population immigration, rising land price, airport noise and the pollution of the refineries around the airport. Dayou road and its adjacent area of Luzhu district were planned for a new town. The concept of second circuit of capital was then realized through urban expansion. With the completion of Sun Yat-sen Freeway, suburbanization emerged in the area. The planned zone grew faster than expectation and population grew fast as well. As a result, residential constructions have mushroomed. The urban planning for Dayou area was confirmed in the second urban land use assessment. The Dayou area has been developed fast since then. This study analyzes first its residents’ images and identity within the zone confined around Jianxing, Dayou, Minguang E., and Daye Roads. Secondly, it also investigates whether the commercials of housing projects has flipped the spatial images of the area. Such study purposes are based on the developers’ efforts in the commercials in making Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store as the anchor of economic activity, claiming its proximity to Hutou Hill and the Nan Kan River (where the nature was advertised as an asset for the housing projects). Housing projects are named as “Little Tianmu”, “New Tianmu” with a purpose of creating quality housing images. Dayou residents have mixed feelings and images. Convenience of living is one plus, but housing prices create a class issue. The Dayou real estate market has impacted the locals cognition of place. The beauty of the nature is replaced by the messy skyline of the new housings and concretes. Land and housing prices are up so much that people start to worry about not being able to afford housing. As the realtors and developers try to sue public projects and utilities to attract consumers, the lack of infrastructure and leisure amenities has become problematic for the locals. The claimed “Little Tianmu”, “New Tianmu” and Dayou shopping district are not realized and so the image of this new town place cannot be flipped easily. The claimed Dayou area as a quality residential area does not meet the expectation of residents and consumers. The study suggests that more various leisure and economic functions and better public sector’s plans to connect the natural beauty (of Hill Hutou and Nan Kan River) be implemented so that the place image could truly be flipped. Keywords: Dayou shopping area, capital circuits, capital space, symbolic consumption, place identity and image flip


