  • 學位論文


The Influence of Picture Books Instruction to Low Achievers’ Grammar and Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 王立心


本研究目的是藉由英語繪本教學,改善七年級學習低成就學生的學習狀況,以有趣、簡單、易懂的英語繪本,讓學生透過不斷重複的句子以及其所運用的情境,增進學生的文法概念,也透過簡短、簡易的故事內容,學生能夠願意嘗試閱讀繪本並理解其內容,讓學生的閱讀理解能力有所提升。本研究是以台北市某國中七年甲班潛能開發班的四位學生為研究對象,採用行動研究方式,研究者即教學者,透過教師觀察、課堂錄影、文件分析及學生訪談等,進行分析與評估,以了解學生的學習成效。 根據研究結果,本研究結論發現,英語繪本教學課程能夠增進學習低成就學生之部分的文法概念,每位學生進步的文法概念依其學習狀況而不同;英語繪本教學課程也能提升學習低成就學生的閱讀理解能力,學生能夠更加理解文章及故事的內容;在實施的過程中,也發覺英語繪本教學課程的教學設計要再更加詳細周全才能發揮其學習成效;此外,英語繪本教學課程對特殊狀況學生的學習成效影響有限;研究中也更進一步發現,英語繪本教學中的師生互動與加分制度,營造了輕鬆、有趣的學習氛圍,是學生所喜愛的。 最後,依據研究所得結論,對教學者及未來研究,提出建議作為參考,教師在一學期九個單元中選擇五到六個單元實施英語繪本教學課程,能加強學生的學習成效;一本英語繪本只針對一個要增進的目標做課程設計,能較有效提升學生的文法概念及閱讀能力;簡化特殊學生的學習單,並減少練習卷的題目數量,利用課餘時間,從旁協助其作答;英語繪本教學課程在繪本選擇標準上之建議。


The purpose of this study was to improve the learning condition of low achievers in the seventh grade. With interesting, simple and understandable picture books, students could improve their grammar through repeated sentences and the situations in the picture books. Also, by short and easy stories, students were willing to try to read and understand the content in the picture books so that they could progress in the reading comprehension The targets of this study were the four students of Class 7C for English low achievers in a junior high school in Taipei. And the method of this study was action research. The researcher was the instructor. The researcher analyzed and estimated the observations, videos in class, documents and interviews with students etc. to understand students’ learning performance. According to the research results, the conclusions of this study revealed that picture books instruction could improve part of low achievers’ grammar depending on their learning condition. Picture books instruction could also ameliorate low achievers’ reading comprehension. Students could understand the articles and stories better. The study showed that the instructional design of picture books instruction should be more careful and cautious so that it could achieve the effectiveness during the process. In addition, for the student with special educational needs, the effect of picture books instruction on learning performance was limited. Furthermore, the interaction between the teacher and the students in class and the scoring system created a relaxing and interesting learning climate that students loved. Finally, on the basis of the conclusions, the researcher provided some suggestions for the instructors and future research. To strengthen students’ learning performance, teachers could choose five or six units of all the nine units in a semester to implement picture books instruction. If teachers design the lesson focusing on one object for one picture book, it would promote students’ grammar and reading comprehension more effectively. Simplify the worksheet of the student with special educational needs; cut down the questions of the practices and help the student answer the questions after class. Provide some suggestions of the standards for choosing the picture books that used in picture books instruction.


