  • 學位論文


Divide and Collaborate ──The Action Research on Implementing Cooperative Learning in Home Economics

指導教授 : 卯靜儒


團隊合作是現在教育所需培養學生具備的素養,另外在自己教授家政課操作性課程時常分身乏術與不得分組合作教學之要領,而造成分組後學生有搭便車現象,為改善上述實務狀況,運用分組合作學習概念提升學生團隊合作與服務領導素養,精進課程設計並提升教學效率,有以下四項研究目的:(1)實踐以分組合作學習概念設計之家政課程;(2)省思在家政課實施分組合作學習的歷程,持續修正;(3)探究運用分組合作學習基本手縫之學習成果;(4)探究學生在進行分組合作學習後團隊合作能力與人際關係的改變。 依據上述研究目的,本研究採取行動研究方式,設計並實施5週10節的基本手縫課程,以任教的7年級一個班20位學生作為研究參與者,進行課程行動研究循環,課程實施、反思,之後修正課程設計與引導方向,學生能夠透過小組合作學習基本手縫技巧,並逐步建立學生團隊合作與人際關係。透過蒐集質性資料,包含每週授課後教師省思札記、同儕教師觀課紀錄表、學生問題調查、學生訪談、學生學習感受、團隊合作與人際關係總回饋問卷以及學生學習歷程與成果,進行分析。 本研究結論有以下四點:(1)家政實踐分組合作學習概念中針對異質性分組與拼圖法二式的調整與省思;(2)實踐、省思、修正的課程行動研究精進課程設計,釐清教師信念;(3)運用分組合作學習,八成學生能掌握基本手縫之技巧;(4)學生在分組合作學習後團隊合作能力與人際關係產生正向的改變。 最後提出兩點建議,給欲以分組合作學習進行課程的教師參考:(1)教師應運用更多範例教導學生使用合作技巧;(2)分組合作精神應配合其他課程與活動持續深化與延續。


Group Work are essential competencies for students nowadays. In my operational courses of home economics, I was often tied up with work to teach students. According to previous experience, students’ free rider problem in groups were often occurred when teacher lack tactics of cooperative learning. The purposes of this study was: (1) Implementing the concept of cooperative learning into home economics courses; (2) Reflecting and adjusting the progress of implementing group work and cooperative learning; (3) Discussing the effect of learning basic hand sewing with group work and cooperative learning; (4) Discussing students’ ability of group work and the improvement of their interpersonal relationship during implementing group work and cooperative learning. Based on the above purposes, this study was conducted by action research and the participants were 7th grade students. Research was designed and carried out for five weeks, which included ten classes of basic hand sewing course in total. During the five weeks teaching, the cycle of action research in class was implemented. Besides, teacher’s reflections and adjustments were noted and recorded after classes. The collected qualitative data which used to do the analysis included teacher reflecting notes, classroom observation forms, students’ hand sewing work and group cooperative learning questions, students interview, questionnaires on feeling of learning and group cooperative learning techniques , and student learning progress and effect. The results of the study are generalized as follows: (1) The reflection and adjustment on heterogeneous grouping and Jigsaw II implementation in home economics courses; (2) Action research helped refine teachers’ course design ability and clarify their beliefs; (3) Through group working and cooperative learning courses, 80% students could use basic hand-sewing skills well; (4) Cooperative learning courses have positive influences on students’ group-working ability and the improvement of their interpersonal relationship. Two suggestions for teachers who would like to implement group work and cooperative learning: (1) Teachers should apply more examples to teach students the skills of cooperative learning; (2) students’ cooperative learning skill should be deepen through the connection of different courses.


方國榮(2009)。合作學習教學策略對國小五年級學童學習成效之影響 ~ 以「植物世界面面觀」單元為例(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺北教育大學自然科學教育學系碩士班,臺北市。
