  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Study on Social Support Needs of Experienced EFL Teachers

指導教授 : 許月貴


本研究旨在探究兩位資深英語教師在教職生涯中,面對困境而尋求社會支援之情形;透過質性研究的資料收集和分析方法,了解資深英語老師在面臨教學困境時,是否有運用社會支援做為其解決困境之策略,進一步增進資深英語教師之專業發展。本研究提出三個研究問題:   (一)資深英語教師在教職生涯中會遇到何種困難和挑戰?   (二)資深英語教師面對挑戰時會採取哪些解決策略以克服工作壓力?   (三)尋求社會支援在資深英語教師的解決策略中扮演何種角色?其對資深英語教師的教職生涯有何影響?   為提高研究結果之可信度,本研究採用訪談、日記、文件分析等方式,進行為期五個月的資料搜集,透過生命史的研究角度,深入瞭解兩位資深國中英語教師在面對工作上的挑戰時,所採取的解決策略與社會支援需求。本研究主要發現為:   (一)資深英語教師常遇到的挑戰並非英語教學,而是:應付繁複工作負荷、配合特教學生之需求、管理學生問題行為、處理親師衝突;其相應之解決策略為:自我省思與調適以及尋求社會支援。   (二)資深英語教師社會支援的需求主要為訊息性支援,尤以同事(包含學校行政人員與同儕教師)為主要來源;情感性支援則以家人和同儕教師為主。尋求社會支援並非其首要之解決策略。   (三)影響社會支援之要素包涵個人和環境因素,個人因素可分為教師個人之教學經驗和成長背景;環境因素可分為問題的性質和工作情境。此外,尋求社會支援過程中是否能得到相對的回應,除了影響教師對於再次尋求社會支援之意願,亦可能對資深英語教師帶來較為深遠、非教學上的影響,如對人生觀與價值觀的正面或負面之影響。   最後,根據本研究結果,對於初任教師、資深教師、以及學校行政單位提出良善之建議。


This study aimed to investigate the two experienced EFL teachers’ social support needs in response to challenges at work and how the assistance of others influenced their work lives. By conducting qualitative research method, the study addressed three research questions: (1) What are the challenges faced by the experienced EFL teachers in their teaching contexts? (2) How do the experienced EFL teachers cope with the job-related stresses? (3) How do the experiences of eliciting social support to cope with the challenges influence the experienced EFL teachers’ work lives? The study adopted a life history approach. To enhance the trustworthiness the study, multiple measures were employed, including interviews, participants’ and researcher’s journals, and school documentation. The findings of the study showed that the two experienced EFL teachers’ challenges were mainly about non-teaching work, such as managing workload, addressing the needs of special education students, dealing with students’ behavioral problems, and resolving teacher-parent conflicts. To cope with the difficulties, the experienced EFL teachers adopted two strategies – self-reflecting and making adjustments, and eliciting social support from colleagues, family, friends, and significant others. Eliciting social support was not the experienced EFL teachers’ priority. Second, the experienced EFL teachers mainly elicited support from colleagues (administrators and peer teachers). Informational support was the most frequently elicited type of support. As for emotional support, it was elicited from family and peer teachers. Third, influenced by individual and contextual factors, such as teaching experience, teacher background, it was suggested that the effectiveness of eliciting social support might not only influence experienced EFL teachers’ willingness to seek the same source of support next time, but also bring both positive and negative effects on their attitude toward life. Finally, several suggestions were made for beginning teachers, experienced teachers, and school administrators.


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