  • 學位論文


A Study on the Self-control of Special Education Students in Vocational Senior High Schools

指導教授 : 張千惠


本研究旨在探討高職綜合職能科學生自我控制之情況。研究目的有四:一、探討受試者在自我控制的特質。二、探討不同人口統計變項(性別、年齡、障礙程度、家庭收入、家中小孩數)在自我控制上的差異情形。三、探討受試者在自我控制六個層面(衝動性、投機性、冒險性、享樂性、不專心性、自私性)的關連性。四、了解低自我控制之受試者,對於自我控制的想法並檢視自我控制增能課程的成效。   本研究以量化研究為主,質性研究為輔。量化研究部分,研究對象以北部高職綜合職能科學生為母群體,採方便抽樣的方式,共發出174份正式問卷,經篩選剔除答題不完整之無效問卷、障礙類別非智能障礙類別之無效問卷後,計得有效正式樣本共128份。 研究結果有以下: 就量化研究部分,有以下四點: 一、性別、年齡與自我控制無顯著相關。 二、有「中低/低收入戶證明」之受試者較無「中低/低收入戶證明」之受訪者較「衝動」、「投機」及「享樂」。 三、「不同障礙程度」與自我控制之「享樂性」層面有關。智能障礙程度較重的受試者,在自我控制中「享樂性」層面表現較差。 四、「是否有手足」與自我控制之「自私性」層面有關。無手足之受試者,在自我控制中「自私性」的傾向較高。 就質性研究部分,針對自我控制之「享樂性」、「投機性」因素,設計自我控制增能課程。參考質性研究之6小時自我控制增能課程,高職綜合職能科學生之自我控制,可透過增能課程加以強化。


The main aim of the research is to explore self-control of students with special needs in vocational senior high schools. There are four purposes of this study: First, to explore the self-control characteristics of students with special needs who are studying in vocational senior high schools. Seconds, to explore the influence of genders, ages, degree of special needs, incomes of family, and the number of children in the family of the participant on self-control characteristics of students. Third, to explore the connection between the six elements of self-control. Finally, to examine the outcomes of the self-control training courses. This study adopted the quantitative research design. However some qualitative research methods were also used in the research process in order to make the study more holistic. In this study, self-control questionnaire was used to collect the self-control characteristics and relevant data from the students. In total, 174 participants were selected from the main population of the students with special needs who were studying in vocational senior high schools in north Taiwan. All participants had also participated in the self-control training course. According to the six hours self-control training course, the findings, based on the quantitative methods, of this study are: 1. The gender and ages did not influence the self-control characteristics of students. 2. Participants from the lower income of families were more likely to be implusive, speculate in a risky adventure and were more likely to pursuit the immediate gratification. 3. A positive correlation was found between the degree of special needs and the pursuit of immediate gratification. 4. Positive correlation between “the single child or not” and self-centered were also found in this study. As for data collected through qualitative methods, the findings indicates that the six hours self-control training courses designed based on the two elements of self-control – Pleasure seeking and Speculation helped the participant develop and strengthen their self-control abilities.


