  • 學位論文


A Narrative Research on the Death of a Sibling with Unexpected Loss Experience

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究採取敘說研究法進行資料蒐集與分析歷程,透過生命故事敘說與研究者的理解與詮釋來瞭解研究參與者身處手足驟逝事件之當下以及後續之因應型態。研究者以立意取樣邀請三位願意分享喪失手足經驗的研究參與者,運用半結構式訪談大綱進行深度訪談;將研究參與者的訪談內容謄寫為逐字稿後,研究者為呈現研究參與者的角度,以第一人稱撰寫其生命故事,再以敘事分析法中的「整體-內容」形式進行分析。 本研究發現研究參與者面對手足因非預期的原因死亡時,讓生者感到不知所措或是造成心理上難以平復的創傷,同時也帶給生者許多遺憾與未竟事務。三位參與者在手足過世的初期,都面臨了震驚、不知所措、難以置信、悲傷等等的歷程,且在調適的歷程中面臨來來回回的悲傷、罪惡感與愧疚感的情緒,而這些情緒足以轉化成具有啟發性的生命價值。在後續影響方面,研究者發現,手足死亡的經驗對喪失手足者的影響,主要為生命觀的改變、對生死態度的影響、個性的改變、以及在面對導致手足死亡情境時所引發的情緒連結。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果與發現,分別對於專業心理工作人員、喪失手足者、陪伴者,以及未來研究提出建議。


This study adopted the narrative research method for data collection and analysis with the aim to understand how those losing their siblings responded to and were faced with such sad experience when the tragedy happened. Besides, finding out the subsequent impacts through narration of life stories and the researcher’s apprehension and interpretation is the goal of this study as well. Three subjects were invited to share the experiences of losing their siblings through purposive sampling and applied semi-structured interview outlines to conduct in-depth interviews. After transcribing the interview content, the researcher wrote their life stories with first person and conducted analysis through the “overall - content” form of the narration analysis to present the perspectives of the subjects. This study found that when faced the unexpected death of their siblings, the subjects were at a loss as to what to do or had unrecoverable mental trauma, left with sorrow and unfinished business. The three subjects all experienced the process of being shocked and sad, finding it hard to believe at the beginning of their siblings’ death. As time passes, their sadness went on and off while adapting their loss. Gradually, these feelings transformed into inspiration about the meaning of life. Furthermore, the result showed the impacts of their loss included changes of the values of life, attitudes towards life and death, personalities, and the emotional connections with the deceased triggered when faced with the scenarios reminding them of the death of the siblings. To sum up, based on the above mentioned results and findings, the researcher make recommendations for professional psychologists, those who lost their siblings and companions, as well as on future research.


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內政部統計處(2014)。民國99年度至103年度死亡統計。取自內政部統計處網站:http://statis.moi.gov.tw/micst/stmain.jsp?sys=220&ym=9100&ymt=10300&kind=21&type=1&funid=c0120202&cycle=4&outmode=0&compmode=0&outkind=1&fldlst=111&codspc0=0,2,7,1,13,1,19,1,25,1,31,1,37,1,43,1,49,1,55,1,61,1,67,1,73,1,79,1,85,1,91,1,97,1,103,1,109,1,115,1,121,1,&rdm=7A4WdtJB %87%E5%BC%B7%E6%B4%AA%E6%85%88%E5%BA%B8/,2015年11月23日。
