  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships among Training, Organizational Learning and Organizational Performance of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

指導教授 : 洪榮昭 鄭勝分


二十一世紀是知識經濟時代,回顧臺灣產業數十年來的發展轉變,由勞力密集成功轉型為資本與技術密集的產業型態,並且持續朝向腦力密集的知識產業邁進。知識經濟時代下的管理,追求的是解決問題所需之創新價值與學習能力,知識密集程度高的組織,其影響競爭優勢的因素取決於高素質人力資本,教育訓練及組織學習同為知識經濟時代中,組織塑造高品質人力資源不可或缺的利器,透過教育訓練能激發員工潛力並改變觀念及行為,而組織學習能夠促進組織成長,強化成員之間合作分享行為並增強溝通思考能力,教育訓練的持續支援,亦是組織學習蓄積知識到成為組織人力資本的先行過程,組織若能落實高品質教育訓練來改善組織學習,則可維持自身歷久不衰之競爭優勢、締造良好組織績效,投資人才的重要性顯而易見。 本研究旨在探討臺灣知識密集服務業教育訓練、組織學習與組織績效關聯性,以知識密集服務業中金融產業之銀行業受雇員工作為研究對象,採取立意抽樣法,共回收323份有效樣本,先以樣本結構分析及敘述性統計查看資料初步填答狀況,再進一步利用結構方程模式(SEM),經由包含多元常態性檢定、一二階驗證性因素分析(CFA)、信效度考驗、違犯估計、整體模型結構分析、路徑分析、影響效果分析、差異性分析等步驟檢定本研究假設。 經本研究結果發現,目前臺灣知識密集服務業中金融產業之銀行業員工,認為教育訓練品質越好,對於組織學習越有幫助,而採取偏重培養員工基本能力與能夠追上競爭對手的生存性及標竿性組織學習型態,相較於領先性組織學習型態,對組織績效有較顯著的關聯。據此,本研究建議,組織應清楚了解自身核心競爭力所在,與未來發展方向及學習需求,並悉知不同背景條件之員工在學習需求上的差異性,才能避免誤植錯誤的學習型態,且管理者應重視教育訓練規劃與組織發展策略及願景目標的連結性並經常檢視調整,亦需打造適合學習、溝通、分享知識的環境,將員工個人知識能力轉化成全體共有財產,以致使組織日新月盛茁壯,接連開創績效高峰。


21st century is known as the era of knowledge, in the past decades, the industrial structure has transformed from labor-intensive into capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive in Taiwan. When the industrial structure changed into the knowledge-intensive business service, in other words, a business operation which rely heavily on professional knowledge, the talent and knowledge have become the critical key factors which a company’s value of innovation and learning ability relies. Thus, there are two ways to keep a company competitive and stay in prospered through time. First of all, training can make an organization more productive and promote job performance among employees. Secondly, an organizational learning can facilitate sharing in knowledge and experience within a company. Therefore, both training and organizational learning are indispensable implements to a company, especially in knowledge-intensive business service. The purpose of the thesis is to exam the relationship among training, organizational learning and organizational performance upon employees in one of Taiwanese knowledge-intensive business service, the banking industry, and hopes to provide recommendations to the managers with the research findings in the banking industry. This study adopted literature analysis, questionnaire method, and quantitative analysis. Data were collected from 323 bank employees, analysis process included descriptive statistical, sample structural, independent samples t-tests, and one-way ANOVA, next used structural equation model for data causality analysis, steps included multivariate normality tests, first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, offending estimates, full structural model analysis, and then did path analysis, impact analysis at last. The research findings indicated that bank employees in Taiwan’s knowledge-intensive business services should consider:(1) The higher quality of training, the better organizational learning will be. (2) Among 3 types of organizational learning, survival learning and benchmarking learning have more effective correlation with organizational performance than primacy learning. In the end, based on the findings of this research, three suggestions are proposed as following:(1) The enterprises should recognize as their core properties and competitive advantages, such as the situations they will probably face in the future, their employees who come from various background, and then adopt the most appropriate organizational learning type eventually. (2) The managers should connect training program with the organization’s vision, mission, and goals. Furthermore, the training program should be checked and adjusted regularly. (3) The enterprises should create an environment which is good for learning, communicating, and knowledge sharing, therefore the enterprises could transform employee’s personal knowledge, skills, and abilities into sharing properties of their own organization.


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