  • 學位論文


The Influence of Marital Adjustment and Co-parenting on Wellbeing among Parents of Preschool Children

指導教授 : 林如萍


摘要 有鑑於幼兒父母共親職議題的重要性,且針對中國大陸之相關研究數量有限;再者,探討共親職與婚姻關係影響的研究,多數聚焦於婚姻關係對共親職的影響,相對缺乏探究共親職對婚姻關係的影響。本研究旨在探討中國大陸幼兒父母的共親職與婚姻調適之間的「溢出效應」,以及共親職與婚姻調適二者對父母生活福祉的影響。 本研究以北京育有3-5歲幼兒的父母為對象,以立意取樣方式取的樣本569人,以改編的「共親職關係量表」進行資料蒐集。本研究的主要發現:(一)中國大陸育有幼兒的父母所知覺的共親職、婚姻調適與生活福祉的程度皆高。就共親職來看,父母正向的知覺主要來自共同教養中的「情感聯繫」和「自我管理」,相對來說父母之間實際的支持與抵制等共親職行為的程度較低;(二)就婚姻調適來看,父母婚姻調適的整體程度佳,而就各面向來看則是依序為「夫妻雙人關係」、「家庭運作原則」、「與原生家庭互動」;(三)父母的婚姻調適與共親職存在溢出效應,二者的預測力相近,且溢出的效應不受背景變項的影響。(四)比較共親職、婚姻調適二者對父母的生活福祉之影響,婚姻調適對生活福祉的預測力更高。本研究依據研究結果針對民眾、家庭教育專業人員及未來研究提出建議。


Abstract Currently, researches on parents of preschool children’s co-parenting in Mainland China are relatively rare. Furthermore, when discussing the spillover effect between co-parenting and marriage, present researches mostly focus on the spillover effect from marriage to co-parenting. The spillover effect from co-parenting to marriage is seldom discussed. This study aims to discuss the spillover effect between marital adjustment and co-parenting on parents of preschool children in Mainland China, and their influence on wellbeing. This study targets on parents of preschool children aged between 3 to 5 years old in Mainland China and takes revised version of Co-parenting Relationship Scale as measuring tool. This study is conducted via questionnaire survey and self-report data were gathered from 569 parents. First, we found that parents of preschool children in Mainland China enjoy a relatively high score of co-parenting, marital adjustment and wellbeing. In respect of co-parenting, positive perception of parents of preschool children mainly comes from affective solidarity and self-management in co-parenting. Comparatively speaking, the score of actual supportive or resistant co-parenting behaviors on these parents is relatively low. Second, in respect of marital adjustment, the score in parents of preschool children is relatively high. And the relationship between the couple enjoys the highest score in all aspects; the principles of the family scores the next while the interactions within family-of-origin members scores the lowest. Third, we found that there exists spillover effect between marital adjustment and co-parenting on parents of preschool children. Their predictive power is similar to each other. And the spillover effect is not affected by background variables. Finally, to compare marital adjustment and co-parenting’s influence on wellbeing, marital adjustment has stronger predictive power than co-parenting. According to these study results, this article provided several advices to general people, family education professionals and future research.


