  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Work Situations of Teacher-Administrators in a Comprehensive Secondary School

指導教授 : 陳佩英 林子斌


「行政人才荒」是學校領導重要課題。本研究選擇一所完全中學為研究場域,由於完全中學的行政組織架構相較普通高中會複雜許多,更能凸顯學校行政面臨人才流動頻繁而影響其穩定的嚴重性。本研究以激勵保健理論對 教師兼任行政職務處境進行研究分析,探討在完全中學組織脈絡下,教師兼任行政工作的處境,以及影響教師續任行政的因素。 研究過程採取訪談與文件分析方式蒐集資料,訪談對象包括 3 位主任、8 位組長與 1 位導師,共 12 位教師,綜合文獻探討及訪談研究結果之結論如下: 一、完全中學獨特的組織文化會對學校行政團隊帶來挑戰。 二、學校行政工作對教師的誘因不足。 三、新進教師是學校找不到人兼任行政的解決方法。 四、行政工作負荷重與易受教師責備是資深教師不願兼任行政的原因。 五、現任兼行政教師對行政工作不滿意的感受較高,但會因個人因素與成就 感的平衡,而激勵其願意續任行政。


"Administrative personnel shortage" has recently become a critical issue in school leadership practices. Most of schools leaders hardly find teachers to serve as administrators in every summer. The researcher therefore wanted to explore the reasons why teachers were unwilling to take responsibilities as administrators. This study selected a case school from a comprehensive secondary schools. Due to the complexity of administrative division of labors and coordination at comprehensive secondary school, this case could revealed the importance of stability in the school administration personnel flow. This study adopted a motivation-hygiene theory perspective to investigate work situations of teacher-administrators, and to illustrate the reasons that influenced teachers' willingness to continue the work of administration in the context of the comprehensive secondary school. Research data were mainly collected via interviews. The 12 participants included 3 directors of school administration, 8 chiefs of sub-units, and a class teacher of the case school. Conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The unique organizational culture of the comprehensive secondary school caused complexity of division of labor and challenges for administrative work. 2. Current school administrative work provided insufficient incentives for teachers to join the administrative teams. 3. Newly coming staff has been seen as a temporary solution to deal with the shortage of administration personnel. 4. Heavy administrative workload and prone to blame were the main reasons why senior teachers were reluctant to continuingly serve as administrators. 5. The teacher-administrators felt more dissatisfied with the work.However, some counter-balanced personal reasons and professional achievements might encourage them to be willing to continue the administration work.


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