  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Visual Information, Message Framing, Perceived Value and Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 孫瑜華


在經濟部統計處 (2015) 的統計資料則指出,2013 年餐旅就業人口共有 775,000 人,僅次於製造營造與批發零售業。而其中,由於北部在職婦女及上班族的比例比其他地區較高,因此北部的餐飲業者較多。許多成人也在面臨二度就業的問題時,傾向於挑選餐飲業為再次出發的起點,餐飲補習中的烘焙課程需求倍增。在選擇課程時,成人學習者會接收到各種不同形式、不同訴求的產品訊息,設計可吸引消費者、影響消費者決策的「正確訊息」便是現今受到極度重視的課題。本研究使用實驗設計之因子設計,操弄視覺訊息與訊息框架這兩個實驗變項,視覺訊息分為體驗圖片與成品圖片;訊息框架分為正向框架與負向框架,故本研究採 2×2 的實驗矩陣,亦即有 4 個實驗組,隨機分派受試對象至其中任一個實驗組別中進行操弄。本研究結果顯示:一、課程廣告中不同的視覺訊息與訊息框架設計顯著影響消費者的知覺價值與購買意願,視覺訊息中的烘焙成品照片與訊息框架中的負向訊息皆能有效提高知覺價值,進而影響購買意願;二、知覺價值於視覺訊息、訊息框架與購買意願中有完全中介的效果;三、成人學習動機無調節效果。本研究期能協助成人烘焙課程經營者了解成人學習者的期望與需求,掌握烘焙課程廣告的設計策略,吸引更多成人學習者參與課程,達到雙贏的局面。


Advertisement effect has been an issue of great concern to marketers. Therefore, designing a message that can enhance consumers’ perceived value and purchase intention is an important task. Recent studies suggests that visaul information and message framing may influence consumers’ decision. However, this seems to be an issue rarely investigated in course advertisement studies. This between-subjects experiment tested the effects of visaul information and message framing in baking course advertisements and the mediating role of consumers’ perceived value. In total, 400 questionnaires are collected, of which 49 are invalid, and 351 are valid. The results showed that different visaul informations and framed messages would have influence consumers’ perceived value and purchase intention. The results indicated a baking product photo was more persuasive than a product in action photo while a negative frame was more persuasive than a positive one on consumers’ purchase intention. The relationship among visaul information, message framing and purchase intention is completely mediated by consumers’ perceived value. According to the results above, we suggest marketers use baking product photos and negative framing messages that not only enhance the effect of advertisements, but also increase consumers’ perceived value and purchase intention.


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