  • 學位論文


Lean Startup Methodology Application Research Hii App Anonymous Platform Case Study

指導教授 : 王維菁


創業是帶動產業轉型進步的重要動力,同時也是以創新提升人類生活品質的重要行動,政府近年推動鼓勵青年創業相關政策,無非是希望藉由推動青年創業,改善就業問題,並進一步創造經濟效應。在此背景下,研究者以對於匿名社群與傳播科技的觀察,在就讀碩班時期經歷提出構想、驗證構想的過程,並與夥伴推出一款名為Hii匿名社群平台的App,目的為創造一個讓陌生人可以放心暢所欲言並建立關係的平台,並以此產品為主題創業。 本研究在過程中參考美國創業家Eric Ries(2011)所提出的精實創業方法執行創業計畫,是國內少有以本身創業計畫實行過程探討精實創業實作的案例,本研究可以藉此個案探究精實創業方法具體執行的過程,與實際運用的狀況成效,並進一步檢討運用精實創業方法實際遇到的問題,從其中歸納出對未來青年創業者可能的建議。 另一方面藉由精實創業科學化的假設驗證機制,分析創業過程中累積大量的使用者回饋與數據資料,本研究發現在Hii匿名平台所設計的對話機制有機會促成良好的對話情境,在此對話情境下社群具有暢所欲言、深度對話、發展關係的特色,描繪一種網路社群可能發展的方向。


Entrepreneurship is key factor causing industry transformation, and also a series of actions enhancing human living with innovation. Government encourages youngsters to run startups for improving employment and economics. In this circumstance, researcher constructed the idea and examined it based on observation of anonymous community and communication technology during graduate school. After that, researcher launched Hii App and ran a startup, in the purpose of creating an anonymous platform where users could speak out in words freely and build up relationship. This study referred the lean startup methodology proposing by Eric Ries in 2011. It was a rare study in Taiwan that research the whole execution process of lean startup methodology in a specific startup case. By researching the process of the startup case execution, researcher can evaluate the effect and result, review the problems occurred during lean-startup method application, and provide suggestions for the future young entrepreneur by concluding this study. Using the hypothesis verifying system of lean startup method to analyze the user feedback and data, this study came to a conclusion that the communication system of Hii App could form an ideal conversation environment. In such environment, the community could speak out in words freely, developed depth dialogue, and built up relationship. Hii App and the anonymous community based on it showed a pattern and the possible development of anonymous community.


〈2013全球創業觀察(GEM) 台灣研究成果交流論壇〉(2013.12)。《 創業管理研究》,8-4:83-99。
劉復苓譯(2011)。《豐田創意學:一年100萬個創新點子,造就豐田永續競爭力》。台北市:經濟新潮社。(原書The Elegant Solution: Toyota`s Formula for Mastering Innovation)
廖宜怡譯(2013)。《精實創業:用小實驗玩出大事業》。台北市:行人文化實驗室。(原書Eric Ries. [2011]. The lean startup: how today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful business)
