  • 學位論文


A Study on How Explicit Instruction Affect Polish Learners’ Use of Chinese Connectives

指導教授 : 蕭惠貞


本論文旨在探討顯性教學對波蘭籍漢語學習者關聯詞語使用之影響,主要採文獻分析法和教學實驗研究法,探究在不同教學方式引導下,第二語言學習者使用關聯詞語的表現是否有所進步。顯性教學是將學生注意力導向目標語言結構的教學策略,獨立呈現目標結構,直接解釋規則 (cf. Scott, 1989; Terrell, 1991; Lichtman, 2013)。本論文以上述學者對傳統溝通式教學法的反思出發,循前人為顯性教學所訂定之操作型定義、教學原則、技巧和評量方式,結合羅青松 (2002) 和李紹林 (2005) 對寫作教學的看法及Silva (1993) 對第二語言寫作特性的研究,設計一教學實驗。實驗對象為22位波蘭某大學漢學系三年級的學生,教師使用相同的自編文章、不同的教學方式上課 (以顯性教學法教實驗組、隱性教學法教對照組)。受試者於教學前、後分別寫作一篇作文,由專業華語教師評分,接著再統計各項分數進行討論與分析。 研究結果顯示:(1) 實驗組在接受顯性教學後,「顯性銜接」得分和實驗前相比有顯著差異 (paired t-test,p=.028);(2) 教學實驗後,實驗組和對照組在「顯性銜接」和「連貫與銜接」兩方面的得分皆有顯著差異 (t=.022; t=.028, <.05); (3) 所有受試者的「顯性銜接」得分和「連貫與銜接」得分皆呈高度正相關 (r=.922,p=.000)。證明本論文所採用之顯性教學方式有助提升華語為第二語言學習者的關聯詞語使用和連貫與銜接之表現。


This thesis aims to study how explicit instruction affects Polish learners’ use of Chinese connectives. Explicit instruction is a direct and efficient instructional strategy in which learners’ attention is directed to target forms, grammar structures are presented saliently, and grammatical rules are explained directly (cf. Scott, 1989: Terrell, 1991; Lichtman, 2013). A pedagogical experiment was designed to explore the effectiveness of explicit instruction in connectives teaching. The subjects are 22 Polish university students majoring in Sinology. They were assigned to two groups, and taught by the same teacher but with explicit and implicit instruction separately. Subjects were asked to write a story both before and after the class. Their stories were graded by two professional CSL teachers. Results show that: (1) The experiment group made a significant progress on their use of connectives after receiving explicit instruction (paired t-test, p=0.28). (2) There was a significant difference between the two groups’ scores on ‘connectives’ and ‘coherence and cohesion’ after the experiment (t=0.22; t=0.28, <.05). (3) Based on the performance of all participants, there is a high positive correlation between the scores on ‘connectives’ and ‘coherence and cohesion’ (r=.922, p=.000). The findings proved that explicit instruction is effective in improving learners’ skills on using connectives.


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