  • 學位論文


Relationships between Parental Internet Intervention, School Engagement and Risky Online Behaviors among Adolescents: and Family Cohesion as a Moderator

指導教授 : 陳慧娟


本研究旨在瞭解家長網路管教、家庭凝聚力與學校投入對於青少年危險網路行為的影響,並探討家庭凝聚力在家長網路管教與危險網路行為之調節作用。調查對象為臺灣北中南部與外島(澎湖、金門、馬祖),公私立國中七、八、九年級1,006位學生(男496人,女510人,平均年齡為13.2歲)。研究工具包括自編「危險網路行為量表」(網路霸凌(主/被動)、網路交友、網路依賴、網路色情、網路敵意與網路隱私)、自編「家長網路管教量表」(技術介入、監控、限制及使用參與及建議)、修編「家庭凝聚力量表」與修編「學校投入量表」(行為投入、情感投入、行為不熱衷與情感不熱衷)。所得的資料以描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關,以及多元迴歸分析進行統計考驗。   主要研究結果整理如下: 一、在本研究中,近半數青少年在網路上曾進行過一項以上的危險活動。 二、九年級生在所有種類的危險網路行為之得分皆顯著高於七年級生,在網路色情上高於八年級生,而八年級則在網路霸凌(主動)、網路依賴、網路色情與網路敵意的程度上高於七年級生;青少年持有個人智慧型手機也會在網路霸凌(被動)、網路交友、網路依賴、網路色情與網路隱私的程度上高於未擁有者;而在網路色情涉入程度上男性高於女性。 三、家長監控、個人學校行為不熱衷和情感不熱衷與青少年從事危險網路活動呈正相關;家長限制、家庭凝聚力、個人學校行為投入及情感投入則與青少年危險網路行為呈負相關。 四、以危險網路行為進行逐步迴歸分析結果發現,學校不熱衷與家長監控具有正向的預測效果;學校不熱衷在各項危險網路行為皆有顯著的預測力,而家長監控則在網路霸凌(主/被動)、網路交友、網路色情、網路敵意與網路隱私中有顯著的預測力。家長限制與家庭凝聚力對危險網路行為則具有負向預測力;而家長限制對網路交友、網路色情與網路敵意中有負向的預測力,家庭凝聚力對網路霸凌(主/被動)、網路依賴、網路敵意有負向的預測力。其中「學校不熱衷」對青少年危險網路行為的預測效果最明顯,其次依序為「監控」、「限制」,以及「家庭凝聚力」。 五、家庭凝聚力對家長網路管教與危險網路行為之關係具有調節效果,相較於家庭凝聚力程度高時,家長監控與青少年危險網路行為的關連程度在凝聚力低時是最高的。而當家庭凝聚力為非常連結時,家長限制與青少年危險網路行為的關連程度有顯著的負相關;凝聚力為疏離時,家長限制與青少年危險網路行為間則無相關。   針對本研究所發現之結果,提出各項建議,供學校、家庭與未來研究的參考。


The purpose of this study want to examine the relationships between the risky online behaviors, parental Internet intervention, family cohesion and school engagement among adolescents. The moderating role of family cohesion in the relationship between parental Internet intervention and risky online behavior was examined. Participants of this study were 1,006 adolescents (496 boys and 510 girls, mean age = 13.2 years old) in junior high schools of Taiwan, including Western island, Penghu, Kinmen, and Lianjiang. All the participants completed the self-made Risky Online Behavior Scale (active cyberbulling, passive cyberbullied, making friends via net, Internet stickiness, online pornography, network violence and online privacy), self-made Parental Internet Intervention Scale (technology intervention, monitoring, restriction and recommendations/participation), revised Family Cohesion Scale and revised School Engagement Scale (behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, behavioral disaffection and emotional disaffection). The obtained data was analyzed using the descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple and regression analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. In this survey, nearly half of adolescents at least in one subtest scored above the median. 2. Ninth-grade students scored higher than seventh-grade students in all kinds of risky online behaviors, and higher than eighth-grade students in online pornography. Eighth-grade students had higher level in active cyberbullying, Internet stickiness, online pornography and network violence than seventh-grade students. There were high levels of passive cyberbullied, making friends via net, Internet stickiness, online pornography, and online privacy among teen smartphone owners. Boys were exposed to Internet porn more often than were girls. 3. There were significantly positive relations between the online risky behavior and parental monitoring, behavioral disaffection or emotional disaffection at school; there were significantly negative relations between parental restriction, family cohesion, behavioral engagement or emotional engagement at school. 4. The results of stepwise regression were found that school disaffection and parental monitoring positively predicted adolescents risky online behaviors; school disaffection significantly predicted all kinds of risky online behaviors, and parental monitoring significantly predicted active cyberbulling, passive cyberbullied, making friends via net, online pornography, network violence and online privacy. Parental restrict and family cohesion negatively predicted risky online behaviors; parental restrict negatively predicted making friends via net, online pornography and network violence. Family cohesion negatively predicted active cyberbulling, passive cyberbullied, Internet stickiness and network violence. The impact of the predictor variables on the risky online behavior among adolescents were school disaffection, parental monitoring, restriction and family cohesion. 5. The relationship between parental internet intervention and risky online behaviors among adolescents was moderated by family cohesion. The positive relation between parental monitoring and risky online behaviors among adolescents was stronger at low level of family cohesion compared to high level. The negative relation between parental restriction and risky online behaviors among adolescents was significant as family cohesion was very connected; there was no relation between restriction and risky online behaviors among adolescents as family in disengaged cohesion. According to the findings of this study, suggestions are provided to schools, familys, and further researches.


Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). Contexts of child rearing: Problems and pros-pects. American Psychologist, 34(10), 844-850.
