  • 學位論文


A Study On the Marketing Strategies Of Social Enterprises

指導教授 : 鄭勝分


「社會企業」一詞,在臺灣已出現許久,現今也開始出現相關政策,社會大眾也漸漸地認識與瞭解其大致的意涵。而在實際的運作上,為了達成「經濟」的效益,必須提高其提供的商品與服務的銷售,才能有足夠的資源,讓「社會使命」得以達成,以維持良善的營運;目前社會企業所採取的行銷策略與方式,大多是透過社會行銷或非營利組織行銷,來做出相關的規劃。不過,社會企業應需創造自身特有的行銷策略,更可以符合其組織理念使命,且能較適用於社會企業的本身的發展與文化,故引發本研究動機。本研究目的在於探討社會企業行銷策略的現況與發展,與其行銷策略之特性,以及曾面臨之困難與問題,並進一步提出改善策略和優化建議,可給予正在發展或未來欲從事社會企業之組織作為參考。 本研究採質性研究方法,且依照鄭勝分(2005)社會企業界定,分為「NPO商業化」與「企業NPO化」,並找尋相關案例,進行深度訪談,於後續分析出社會企業行銷策略之相關發展、特性、問題與困境。 研究結果發現,社會企業可大致區分為兩種類型:「NPO型社會企業」與「公司型社會企業」,不同型態之社會企業對於行銷策略之發展與特性,使其存在著許多共通性與差異性,也會影響其策略之形成,且其面臨之問題與困難亦有些許的不同。而本研究在結論與建議部分,也提供相關可改善之策略與方式,以及可優化之建議,期待能提供社會企業的經營者能有行銷方面之助益,後續研究者也可以此作為方向,創造社會企業更完善之行銷模式與規劃藍圖。


In recent years, what are coming to be commonly known as “social enterprises”, have been growing in both popularity and acceptance in Taiwan. To achieve its “social mission”, a social enterprise must first accomplish its “economic mission” by increasing sales and services in order to gain enough capital. Currently the most commonly used marketing strategies in Taiwanese social enterprises are through social or non-profit organizational marketing; however, a social enterprise must create its own unique marketing strategy that can fit in with its social mission, as well as comply with the enterprise’s development and organizational culture. Therefore, the research purpose of this thesis is to explore the current marketing strategies applied by Taiwanese social enterprises. Research herein is qualitative, employing both a businesslike and nonprofit approach, as introduced by Sheng-Fen Cheng (2005), classifying social enterprises. The researcher finds related cases and conducts in-depth interviews, analyzing marketing strategies of social enterprises. Research focuses on the characteristics of current strategies, and the difficulties/problems faced by enterprise. This research concludes that Taiwanese social enterprise can be classified into two types: NPO or Company; with different marketing strategies, they naturally have different agendas, and concurrently face different problems. In this thesis the researcher suggests improvement for developing or potential social enterprises, hoping to benefit marketing aspects, and to inspire future researcher to find a better suited marketing model for all social enterprise.


朱柔若(譯)(2000)。社會研究方法-質化與量化取向(原作者:W. Lawrence Neuman)。新北市:揚智文化。
