  • 學位論文


A Study on Senior High School Students' Experiences In Ancient Chinese Learning

指導教授 : 湯仁燕


國文教育素為我國學校教育之重要內涵;文言文課程更是我國高中國文教育之重要成分。至於「學生課程經驗研究」,則是課程與教學研究之重要面向。然而,既存學術文獻卻鮮少關注高中文言文課程之學生經驗。本研究之價值,由斯而顯。   本研究主要探索了高中學生中學階段關於文言文學習的經驗,並微微旁及其過往的相關學習體會。本研究主採的研究方法為小單位訪談。每回訪談之受訪學生人數介乎1至3位,並以學生完整抒發為訪談終站。研究搜集了41位學生的訪談資料,轉譯訪談逐字稿略超400,000字。並有19位同學願意參與後續之「參與者檢核」。與此19位同學相關的訪談逐字稿約莫250,000字。本研究即以這250,000字作為資料分析的主軸,並輔以餘150,000字之逐字稿資料、實地教學觀察資料、兼及相關圖書文件,整理歸納出研究結論。   談及研究結論,本研究在「學生整體的文言文課程經驗」(含教材、教學、與評量三方面);「課程經驗的影響因素」;以及「課程經驗的意義詮釋」等三面向,整理歸納出19款的學生課程經驗。並隨而發現這些學生課程經驗大多能歸入「考試」與「進步」這兩個概念裡邊。應得一提者,「進步」於此並非單指「考試」成績進步,亦廣含「生命」、「知識」、「文化」、及「語文」諸層面的進步或變好。   最末,研究者謹再陳列數點啟示,以供參酌。


高中 國文 文言文 課程經驗 學生觀點


Chinese Education is an important part of our School Education, and Ancient Chinese is an important element of the Chinese Education in our senior high schools. Besides, “Students’ Curriculum Experience Research” is an important aspect among the researches in the field of Curriculum and Instruction. However, the existing academic literature seldom focuses on high school students’ experiences in Ancient Chinese learning. The value of this study could be seen from such a background.  This study mainly explored the high school students' experiences of their Ancient Chinese learning while in the Secondary Education stage, and slightly touched their previous related learning experiences. The main research method of this study is “small-unit interview”. The number of student(s) interviewed each time ranged from 1 to 3. And thorough expression was been set as the goal of each interview.  The study had collected interviewing data from 41 high school students, getting rich Word-form data, which are slightly over 400,000 words. Then, 19 students were willing to participate in the follow-up “participant check-up”. Those Word-form data relating to the 19 students were about 250,000 words. These 250,000 words were used as the core data in the analysis, and the analysis was supplemented by the other 150,000-word data, field observation materials, and relevant documents. Such an analysis led to the conclusions.  Speaking of the conclusions, this study found out 19 particular students’ curriculum experiences, and further discovered that most of those students’ curriculum experiences could fall into the two concepts of “exam” and “progress”.  It should be mentioned that the “progress” here does not only mean the progress of their scores, but also means the progress or betterment of the states of their “life”, “knowledge”, “culture”, and “language”.  This study even shares some thoughts by the researcher at the end of the thesis.


王思翰(2012a)。搶救國文教育聯盟-聯盟介紹 。取自https://sites.google.com/site/rescuechinese/home
王思翰(2012b)。「搶救國文教育聯盟」共同發起人暨團體94.1.14--98.7.13 。取自https://sites.google.com/site/rescuechinese/a2
王修曉(譯)(2007)。J. M. Ruane著。研究方法概論(Essentials of research methods: A guide to social science research)。台北市:五南。
