  • 學位論文


Escapism and Acceptance in the Writings of John Cheever

指導教授 : 狄亞倫


本論文探討約翰.齊福作品中的逃避與接受。這些作品包含:〈哈特利〉 (1949), 〈一甕黃金〉(1950), 〈海邊房屋〉(1961), 〈泳者〉 (1964), 《約翰.齊福的日記》 (1993), 和《好似天堂》(1982)。其中的四則短篇故事是關於「逃避」的主題。在此四則短篇故事中,本論文探討故事中的角色由不滿的心態與缺乏自信所引發的逃避,以及其後續所引發的龐大壓力。《約翰.齊福的日記》與《好似天堂》中則探討了逃避與接受的主題。《約翰.齊福的日記》呈現了一個人的潛力可以救贖自己,而《好似天堂》呈現了一個人的潛力可以貢獻社會、造福人群。本篇論文主要引用了拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生的《依靠自我》(1841)、狄奧多·阿多諾的 〈自由時間〉 (1944),與亨利·大衛·梭羅的《湖濱散記》 (1854) 來分析約翰.齊福的作品。齊福的作品裡所呈現逃避的後果主要符合阿多諾的 〈自由時間〉。齊福對於逃避的原因、解決方法,以及個人的潛能符合愛默生的〈依靠自我〉。解決逃避的部份方式和一種與人分享心靈解脫的精神則符合梭羅的〈湖濱散記〉。


逃避 接受 自立 不滿 自由時間 原始智慧 漂泊


This thesis discusses the escapism and acceptance in John Cheever’s writings through analysis of four short stories, “The Hartleys” (1949), “The Pot of Gold” (1950), “The Seaside Houses” (1961), and “The Simmer” (1964), The Journals of John Cheever (1993), and “Oh What a Paradise It Seems” (1982). The four short stories focus primarily on the theme of escapism. Among the short stories, I discuss the discontented mindset and lack of self-trust that lead to escapism which brings tremendous pressure on the characters in these stories. The journals and “Oh What a Paradise It Seems” contain both the aforementioned escapism theme and add acceptance. While Cheever’s journals represent the potential an individual has to redeem him/herself, “Oh What a Paradise It Seems” represents the potential to contribute to society. This thesis mainly uses Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance (1841), Theodor Adorno’s “Free time” (1944), and David Henry Thoreau’s essays in his Walden (1854) to analyze Cheever’s writings. Cheever’s presentation of the consequences of escapism are mainly in line with Adorno’s “Free Time.” Cheever’s view of the reasons for escapism, the solution to it, and the potential of each individual conform to Emerson’s Self-Reliance. The other part of the solution to escapism, and a willingness to share personal spiritual findings, are in line with Thoreau’s Walden.


Adorno, Theodor W., and J. M. Bernstein. “Free Time.” The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture. London: Routledge, 2007. 187-97. Print.
Aron, Cindy Sondik. Working at Play: A History of Vacations in the United States. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. Print.
Bailey, Blake. Cheever: A Life. New York: Knopf, 2009. Print.
Beuka, Robert. SuburiaNation: Reading Suburban Landscape in Twentieth–Century American Fiction and Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Print.
Bevis, Charles W. “The Making of the Cheeveresque Writing Style in The 1950s.” River Academic Journal 3 (2007): 1-11. Print.
