  • 學位論文


A study of emotional labor from a cyber flaneu's perspective

指導教授 : 劉立行


新科技的發展迅速,除了帶給我們便利性之外,更改變了我們既有的生活習慣,甚至創造了一種新的溝通模式,臉書(Facebook)的蓬勃發展便為此現象做了最好的詮釋。本研究將從數位漫遊者的觀點切入臉書世界,並融合情緒勞務的概念,討論閱聽人於現代網路社會的狀態。 本研究以臉書中的粉絲專頁做為研究主要場域,挑選七名演員做為研究對象,篩選標準如下:(1)粉絲人數大於五千人;(2)考量研究對象之親近性;(3)一周至少於粉絲專頁上發文四次以上。研究方法使用網路民族誌輔以觀察法、深度訪談法,理解台灣地區的粉絲專頁經營者在經營粉絲專頁時的使用行為與使用心理。同時,進一步理解他們在這個過程當中產生了什麼樣的情緒勞務。 研究結果顯示,演員在職業類目中具有高度情緒勞務,他們需要刻意地建構良好的形象,避開負面的情緒來維持自己在粉絲心中的印象,將粉絲專頁當作一個自我展演的舞台,在當中盡情地展演自我以操弄自身與粉絲之間的關係。


FaceBook is one of the neworking services that best exemplifies the convenience which new technology has brought us as it enables people to share their experiences and express their opinions. Many public figures also have their own FaceBook to communicate with their fans. When a public figure interacts with his or her fans, he or she is likely to engage in emotional labor which in turn is an issue that needed to be addressed since FaceBook, as a new social medium, might affect the display of emotional labor. However, previous research on emotional labor often downplayed the role of public figures. It is the goal of this study to investigate seven public figures in Taiwan and their FaceBook fan pages from a cyber-flaneurs’ perspectives to gain an insight on how it works and to find out how their emotional labor is released. Seven public figures are all actors who we were studied. Public figures should meet the following criteria: (1) public figures with more than five thousand fans (2) public figures accessible to researchers (3) public figures who post at least four times a week. Netnography and indepth interviews were adopted to collect qualitative data from these FaceBook fan pages. The preliminary results showed that anchors and actors tend to hide their negative emotons deliberately and create positive images. They deemed FaceBook fan pages as a platform to attract their fans. This study also shows that emotional labor is released.


Emotional labor Fan pages Netnography FaceBook


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