  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Community Participants’ Social Motivation and Self-Presentation Strategies

指導教授 : 楊美雪


本研究旨在探討行動社群參與者社交動機與自我呈現策略。以網路問卷調查法,搜集行動社群參與者之社交動機,與自我呈現策略之情形。總計回收578份有效問卷。再以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方式進行分析比對。最後,根據研究所得之結論,分別給予行動社群業者及後續研究者相關具體建議。茲將本研究重要發現分述如下: 一、建立關係」、「維持關係」、「尋求歸屬感」、「尋求人氣」與「迎合性策略」、「炫耀性策略」、「示弱性策略」、「協助性策略」有著高度的相互影響力;尋求歸屬感」與「示弱性策略」,有中度正相關;「維持關係」、「尋求歸屬感」與「迎合性策略」呈中度正相關 二、女性參與者「維持關係」之動機高於男性;31歲以上之組別其「維持關係」之動機較30歲以下之組別高,41歲以上組別之「尋求歸屬感」之動機顯著低於其他年齡層組別 三、教育程度較低者,其「建立關係」、「維持關係」、「尋求人氣」動機高於教育程度高者,研究所(含)以上在「尋求歸屬感」之動機顯著高於高中職;動態更新次數高者,其「尋求人氣」動機高於動態更新次數低者;使用時間較長者,在「建立關係」、「維持關係」、「尋求歸屬感」、「尋求人氣」之動機均高於使用時間較短者 四、男性採用「示弱性策略」高於女性;年齡較低之組別,採用「炫耀性策略」高於年齡較高之組別 五、參與者自我呈現策略中,國中(含)以下使用「炫耀性策略」高於高中職和大專院校;動態更新3-4次者,採用「炫耀性策略」、「協助性策略」上顯著高於動態更新1-2次者;使用時間為1-2、3-4、5小時以上之組別,在採用「迎合性策略」、「炫耀性策略」、「協助性策略」上皆顯著高於1小時以內之組別


The purpose of this study is to explore the social motivation of mobile community participants and self-presentation strategies. Through the online questionnaires, a total of 578 valid questionnaires were recoverd, to collect the opinion of the users’ social motivation on the mobile social software and their self-presentation strategies .The collected data were analyzed by statistical methods, as Descriptive Statistics, the Independent samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Canonical Analysis. In the end, based on the conclusion, this study makes some concrete suggestions to the operators of mobile community and further study. The major findings are as follows: 1. There is a high significant relationship between “build relationship“, “maintain relationship“, “belonging“, “need for popularity“ and “ingratiate strategy“, “self-enhancement strategy“, “supplication strategy“, “assistance strategy“; There is a moderate significant relationship between “belonging“and“supplication strategy“; There is a moderate significant relationship between “maintain relationship“, “belonging“ and “ingratiate strategy“. 2. The motivation of "maintain relationship" on female participants is significantly higher than male participants; The motivation of "maintain relationship" on over 31years old participants is significantly higher than under 30 ears old groups; The motivation of " belonging " on over 41years old groups is significantly lower than other age groups. 3. The motivation of “build relationship“, "maintain relationship" and "need for popularity " on the low level of education is significantly higher than the high level of education; The motivation of " belonging " on graduate students is significantly higher than Senior high school student; The higher update times, the motivation of " need for popularity " is significantly higher than other groups. The longer using times, the motivation of “build relationship“, “maintain relationship“, “belonging“, “need for popularity“ is significantly higher than other groups. 4. The using of " supplication strategy " on male participants is significantly higher than female participants; The using of " self-enhancement strategy " on young participants is significantly higher than older participants. 5. The using of “ngratiate strategy “ on Junior high school students is significantly higher than Senior high school students and College students; The using of “self-enhancement strategy“ and “assistance strategy “ on updating by 3-4 times is significantly higher than updating by 1-2 times; The using of “ingratiate strategy“, “self-enhancement strategy“ and “assistance strategy “ on using times by 1-2, 3-4, over 5 hours is significantly higher than using times under 1 hour.


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