  • 學位論文

論音樂劇《拜訪森林》之母親角色詮釋—以 女巫、麵包婦 為例

Analysis of maternal characters in the musical〝Into the Woods〞—Taking the Witch and the Baker’s wife as examples.

指導教授 : 梁志民




This essay mainly focus on the discussion and analysis of “mother” in the musical “Into the Woods”, and the content can be separated into six chapters. In the first chapter, I will assert the motivation of the research and furthermore deliberate on the structure of the essay. The second chapter mentions the concept and the origin of the Grimm's fairy tales, in which achieves further realization of the tales of its sorts. Chapter three can be divided into three parts, the first part compares the classic fairy tales which are included in “Into the Woods”, and discuss the adaptations that are made for the musical. Second part introduces the script and the composing background; purpose of the respective tales are to be demonstrated as the development of the story line. The third part puts emphasis on the transformations from fairy tales to musical in light of the characters, songs and repertoires. The forth chapter begins with the analysis of the mothers in the musical and two of the characters, as they display the characteristic of mother, are chosen to be deeply discussed. Chapter five enters the main part of the research as eight songs that sung by the two mothers are picked and make comparisons, in terms of the unspoken words in the play, emotions and performance of the characters, etc. The last chapter concludes the crucial points of the previous texts, and hopefully, expecting the author to make a perfect interpretation onstage, and to fully embody the spirits of the two characters.


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