  • 學位論文


Broken Kite Strings: The Impact of a Divorced Father's Relationship With His Adult Children on Their Attitude of Filial Obligation to Him

指導教授 : 周麗端


近年來臺灣的離婚率不斷上升,使得家庭結構漸趨複雜、多樣化。在父母雙方離婚後,更多的挑戰是子女的居住安排所造成的後續效應,子女的監護權及資產分配便是一項難題。若夫妻離婚後,子女隨母親同住,單親媽媽隻身帶著孩子過生活面臨到的將會是經濟資源上的缺乏以及獨自教養的壓力,而未同住父親則因為無法參與孩子的生活,使得親子間的鴻溝逐漸加深、擴大。因此無疑地,家庭的解構,對代間關係將造成極大的衝擊。從父母離婚前到離婚之後,單親子女與未同住父親之間的互動歷程將會如何演變?與未同住父親之間的情感連結以及單親子女個人的主觀認知又會如何影響到單親成年子女對未同住父親的孝道認同?   本研究透過五名單親成年子女的自我敘說,以家庭故事為背景,描繪出單親成年子女與父、母親之間的情感連結與互動歷程,以及單親成年子女對未同住父親之孝道認同。研究發現單親成年子女對父親的認知會受到「父親角色是否稱職」所影響,而這樣的認知可能來自母親,也有部分是來自單親成年子女長大成熟之後對父親的見解。另外,單親子女在父母尚未離婚前與父親所建立的親子關係對後續代間關係的發展走向亦有極大的關連,而代間關係的良窳也直接的影響到單親成年子女對未同住父親的孝道認同。若在父母離婚前,父親與孩子之間有良好的親子互動,即便離婚後未與父親同住,在單親子女成年後依然會渴望能重拾父子、父女之間的情誼。倘若在離婚前父親與孩子之間的情感互動不深,但在離婚後父親主動積極地關心子女,與子女保持一定聯繫,則子女與未同住父親的互動關係也會逐漸上升。 簡言之,無論離婚前後,若父親能善盡職責與子女建立正向的親子關係,並且能主動地與子女維持一定的聯繫與互動,對代間關係有相當大的助益,也會間接地影響到單親成年子女對未同住父親的孝道認同。另外,由於單親成年子女與同住母親的關係較緊密,因此也相當容易因為母親的言語、行為、情緒而影響單親成年子女與未同住父親的關係。在孝道認同方面,代間關係深深影響子女的孝道認同及盡孝方式,因此,子女還是會以同住的母親為優先考量,但若與未同住父親維持良好的代間關係,子女也會願意對未同住父親善盡孝道,至於盡孝的方式,代間關係良好使子女願意付出情感上的支持,而金錢上的給予則無需建立在親子情感基礎上。


Due to rising divorce rates in Taiwan in recent years, the makeup of families has become increasingly complex. The most challenging complexity is the residential arrangements for children of divorce and the subsequent effects of these arrangements on these children. Asset allocation and child custody are challenges. A single mother raising a child alone has not only the problem of lacking economic resources but also the pressure of educating the child if the child lives with mother after parents divorcing. Since non-resident fathers usually don’t participate in the child’s daily life, the relational gap between father and child is often enlarged. Undoubtedly, the deconstruction of the family will have a great impact on intergenerational relationships. How will the interactional processes between adult children of divorced parents and non-resident fathers evolve through the process of and after divorce? How do the thoughts and feelings of adult children of divorced parents and their emotional connections with their parents affect their attitude toward filial obligation to their non-resident fathers? This study includes five narratives about adult children of divorced parents depicting their emotional and interactional processes with their parents and their attitude toward filial obligation to their non-resident fathers. The study found that the thoughts and feelings of adult children of divorced parents toward their fathers are affected by whether or not they perceive their father to fufill his role as father. The thoughts and feelings may come from the mother, but also partly from the views of adult children of divorced parents when they grow up. The parent-child relationship established between father and child before the divorce is closely related to the development of their intergenerational relationship. This intergenerational relationship also directly affects the attitude toward filial obligation of adult children of divorced parents to their non-resident fathers. If the father-child interaction is good before the divorce, even if the father does not live with the child after the divorce the child will still be eager to retain the relationship between father and child when he/she grows up. If the emotions between father and child are not deep before the divorce but later the father actively cares about the child and maintains a relationship with the child, the interaction between the child and the non-resident father will gradually improve. In short, whether parents divorce or not, if fathers fulfill their duty to establish a positive parent-child relationship with their children, actively maintaining interaction with their children, the intergenerational relationship will most likely be stronger. It also indirectly affects the attitude toward filial obligation of adult children of divorced parents to their non-resident fathers. In addition, because adult children of divorced parents usually feel emotionally closer to their mothers, the relationship between adult children of divorced parents and non-resident fathers is quite easily influenced by the mother's words, behaviors, and emotions.Nevertheless, even if the child prioritizes responsibilities to the mother who lives with him, if the child maintains a good relationship with the father, the child will also likely be more willing to fulfill filial obligations for the sake of his/her relationship with the father. As for the method of filial piety, good inter-generational relations make children willing to give emotional support, while monetary giving need not be based on intergenerational relationships.


