  • 學位論文

論漢語「自」動詞的生成: 反身及狀語類型

Deriving Zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese: Reflexive and Adverbial Types

指導教授 : 丁仁


本論文探討現代漢語「自」動詞的生成方式,以反身及狀語類型做為討論的主軸。在文獻上, 反身類型的「自」動詞的生成方式主要是把「自」動詞分析為在詞彙層形成的不及物動詞, 詞綴「自」在此種分析中被視為改變動詞詞彙性質的功能詞 (Kao 1993, Chief 1998, Lin 2010)。至於狀語類型的「自」動詞, 這類型的動詞都是在詞彙層形成 (Lin 2010)。然而,在新語料的檢驗下,我們發現部份的「自」動詞無法以詞彙途徑構成。本研究以句法途徑來生成現代漢語的「自」動詞,並將新的語料納入分析,得到所有可能的生成方式。在我們的句法分析裡,「自」動詞的生成方式有兩種: 一是透過反身性的 「自」語素來生成,二是透過狀語類型的「自」語素來形成。反身類型的「自」語素被分析為一個動詞的內部論元, 而反身類的「自」動詞是透過「自」語素和動詞的併合而成。另外, 狀語類型的「自」語素被分析為一個可以增加動詞語義的成份; 狀語類「自」動詞是透過「自」語素在句法上加接到動詞的中心語上。除了以上兩類自動詞的生成方式, 本論文也提出了有些自動詞(如: 自以為)是可以透過兩種類型的「自」來生成。最後,我們也提出了一項新發現:有些自動詞(如:自備)在不同語境中,「自」會產生有兩種不同的解讀, 而這兩種解讀下的「自」動詞則分別由兩種不同類型的「自」(反身及狀語類型)所生成的。


The thesis studies the derivations of zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese, including reflexive and adverbial types. In the literature (Kao 1993, Chief 1998, Lin 2010), reflexive zi-verbs are derived in the lexicon, which analyzes zi- as a functional element, serving as a trigger of lexical operations in the lexicon. As for adverbial zi-verbs, the previous analysis (Lin 2010) derives them in the lexicon. With more facts examined, the study finds that some zi-verbs cannot be derived under the lexical approach. We propose a syntactic approach to deriving zi-verbs in Mandarin Chinese and present possible derivations for existing facts in the syntax. Under our syntactic approach, the derivations of zi-verbs fall into two ways: (i) by the reflexive zi- and (ii) by the adverbial zi-. The reflexive zi- is analyzed as an internal argument of a verb and the reflexive zi-verbs such as zi-sha ‘kill oneself’ are derived by noun incorporation. On the other hand, the adverbial zi- is analyzed as a morpheme that contributes an extra meaning such as ‘by oneself’ to the verb and the adverbial zi-verbs are derived by word-level adjunction. Moreover, under our syntactic approach, it is found that some zi-verbs such as zi-yiwei ‘consider oneself’ have two possible derivations – by the reflexive zi- or the adverbial zi-. Lastly, new observations about zi-verbs are made in the thesis that some zi-verbs have two interpretations, which result from two possible derivations: reflexive and adverbial types.


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