  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Taipei Zoo Education Program’s Major Themes, Contents, and Learning Objectives

指導教授 : 周儒


在自然環境惡化及許多物種瀕臨滅絕的情況下,現代化的動物園已成為某些野生動物最後的庇護所,是兼具保育、研究、教育及遊憩等功能的野生動物保育中心。動物園保育教育企圖培養參與者具備保育素養,成為有能力與意願以行動支持保育的環境公民,然而知識、態度、行為的結果可能不會在幾個月或甚至幾年之後表現出來。因此Ardoin等人(2015)針對住宿型環境教育方案提出了預期成效的架構,並建議以中間成效的測量作為評估的方式,幫助方案規劃執行者調整內容和方法去更有效地達到最終成效。為了解致力推動教育的臺北市立動物園保育教育的發展現況,本研究先以文獻探討、國際動物園保育教育案例文件分析,建立動物園保育教育主題、內涵與學習目標架構,再依此架構對27篇臺北動物園保育教育方案進行內容分析。 研究結果發現臺北市立動物園保育教育的主題分析結果依序為:「環境保育知識」(100%)、「環境態度與價值觀」(100%)、「環境覺知與敏感度」(93%)、「參與」(89%)、「環境保育技能與行為」(70%)、「社會互動」(52%)及「個人發展」(26%)。排序前五名與伯利西宣言提出的環境教育五大目標:覺知、知識、態度、技能與參與相同(UNESCO, 1980),顯示臺北市立動物園積極推動環境教育學習成效。而個人發展與社會互動是培養環境素養的重要途徑(Stern et al., 2013; Ardoin et al., 2015)。 本研究提出的動物園保育教育內涵與學習目標架構,以及相關理論依據,能提供作為保育教育方案規劃設計時的參考。尤其是動物園的來訪者多元,涵蓋各年齡層與各行各業,並非是要將架構內的所有的學習目標都達成,而應以學習者為導向選擇合適的內涵與目標規劃方案,如此以來,不只能使參與者有美好的體驗,動物園也能將重要、精心安排的保育內涵傳達給參與者。未來研究建議依方案目標選擇合適學習成效評估方式,使方案關注的面向從學習者內在動機出發,在與環境、與社會互動下培養具備終身學習素養的環境公民,為人與野生動物開創和諧相處的未來。


動物園 保育教育 方案 學習目標


Under the circumstance of deterioration of the natural environment and the endangerment of many species, modern zoos have become the last sanctuary for some wildlife. It is a wildlife conservation center engaging in conservation, research, education and recreation. Participants are cultivated to become environmental citizens who are capable and expected to support conservation with action. However, the output of knowledge, attitude, and behavior may not reflect its result in months or even years. Therefore, Ardoin et al. (2015) proposed the optimal structure for environmental education accommodation program, which suggests that the measurement of intermediate outcomes should be used as an evaluation method to help program planners. This adjusts the content and methods to achieve the final benefit more effectively. In order to dedicate in promoting conservation education in Taipei Zoo, this study first discusses the literature, analyzes the case studies of international zoo conservation education, and establishes a zoo conservation education major theme, contents, and learning objectives structure. Based on this structure, it continues to analyze the content of 27 different Taipei zoo conservation education programs. The study result found that the thematic analysis of the conservation education in the Taipei Zoo were in order: "Environmental Conservation Knowledge" (100%), "Environmental Attitudes and Value" (100%), "Environmental Awareness and Sensitivity" (93%), "Participation" (89%), "Environmental Conservation Skills and Behavior" (70%), "Social Interaction" (52%) and "Personal Development" (26%). The top five are the same as the five goals of environmental education proposed by the Tbilisi recommendation: awareness, knowledge, attitude, skills and participation are the same (UNESCO, 1980), showing the effectiveness of Taipei Zoo actively promoting environmental education. But the interaction between personal development and society is an important way to cultivate environmental literacy (Stern et al., 2013; Ardoin et al., 2015). The framework of zoo conservation education with connotation and goals proposed in this study, as well as related theoretical basis, can be used as a reference when planning and designing conservation education programs. In particular, the zoo's visitors are diverse and in all ages and industries. Instead of achieving all the learning goals within the framework, the learner-oriented planning schemes with appropriate connotations and goal should be applied. Since then, not only does the participant have a better experience, the zoo can also deliver the most important and specific message to participants. Future research suggests to choose the appropriate learning method according to the goals of the program, so that the program focus on spurring internal motivation of the learners and develop a lifelong learning citizen with environmental literacy through interacting with the environment and society. That is how we create a harmonious relationship between people and wildlife in the future.


