  • 學位論文

仿生工作坊動手做歷程對未來希望感提升之探討─以國立臺灣科學教育館Tinkering特展Happy City工作坊為例

The tinkering process in the biomimicry workshop and its effectiveness on participants’ conceptions of sustainability: A case study on the Happy City workshop at the National Taiwan Science Education Center

指導教授 : 王順美


本研究以仿生學及博物館運用建構主義進行之展場教育活動Tinkering工作坊,探討其對永續概念學習之影響。近年研究逐漸重視未來觀點,展望未來與思考未來是環境教育與永續發展教育之關鍵能力之一。本研究探討在參觀仿生展版、觀看仿生影片及參與Tinkering動手做工作坊前、後,對永續概念、仿生概念與未來希望感之影響。以準實驗研究法隨機分派實驗組(n=33)進行50分鐘快樂城市Tinkering動手做工作坊歷程、控制組(n=32)則沒有進行50分鐘快樂城市Tinkering動手做工作坊。研究結果顯示兩組間之永續概念前、後測差異分數,無顯著差異:兩組間之仿生概念前、後測差異分數,無顯著差異;兩組間之未來希望感前、後測有顯著差異。針對研究發現所提出的建議如下: 只有展版、影像等平面展示無法提升未來希望感,輔以仿生動手做工作坊歷程,可達到提升未來希望感之尺度與效果。


This study uses biomimicry and tinkering workshop under constructivism in the museum to explore its influence on hopes towards the future. Recently, more researchers are focusing their studies on the view of the future. Therefore, prospecting and reflecting the future are some of the key abilities for developing environmental and sustainable education programs. As a result, this research explores the participants' concept/understanding of sustainability, biomimicry, and hope by comparing their feedbacks before and after their visit to the workshop. Using the quasi-experimental research method, the experimental group (n=33) was randomly assigned to conduct a 50-minute Happy City Tinkering hands-on workshop, while the control group did not conduct a 50-minute Happy City Tinkering hands-on workshop (n=32). The results indicated that there were only trivial differences between the two groups’ ideas on sustainability and biomimicry. However, the two groups demonstrated diverse differences toward hope. According to the results of this research, the author came to the conclusion that merely exhibition panels and videos cannot achieve participants’ impressions/ideas of hope. It is through the biomimicry workshop can perhaps enhance the institution’s expected depth and effect towards audiences and participants’ ideas of hope.


Hope Biomimicry Tinkering Workshop


王順美 (2016)。臺灣永續發展教育現況探討及行動策略之芻議.。環境教育研究,12-1,111-139。
王啟祥 (2001)。博物館在學習社會中的角色與實踐。科技博物, 5:2,5-17。
江佳純 (2018)。新生物經濟時代的原創思維仿生(Biomimicry)設計思考與研發方法學介紹。生物經濟 NO.55, 79-85。
全球永續發展里程碑 (2016年6月15日) 取自聯合國永續發展知識平臺網站)。
