  • 學位論文


An Action Study of Teacher Professional Community Strategy Improvement for Ecological Education

指導教授 : 王順美


本研究旨在探討一所小學(龍龍國小)發展「蝴蝶園教師專業社群」的歷程,透過甚麼策略來促進教師進行生態教師專業社群,過程中記錄龍龍國小蝴蝶園教師專業社群平時的互動及聚會的學習,從增進社群教師對蝴蝶園的興趣,教師蝴蝶知識、教學法、教學夥伴關係等變化,來判斷甚麼是好的策略。 本研究運用行動研究法,界定教師不使用蝴蝶園進行教學的問題後,擬定研究計畫,以規畫及執行解決方案,包括:透過聚會活動及其他非正式活動,來協助提升社群教師對蝴蝶園的興趣,觀察教師蝴蝶知識、教學法、教學夥伴關係。研究者根據聚會活動收集及分析教師回饋表、研究日誌、教師訪談逐字稿等資料梳理行動研究的目標達成度,再提出修正方案,進行下一次的活動內容。 在「根據蝴蝶知識來為教師增能」、「讓教師認識在蝴蝶園的教學法」、「促進教師間的夥伴關係進而達到共同備課」三項子目標達成的情形,反省修正進行了12次的聚會活動,這屬於第一輪的行動研究。最後再針對教師使用蝴蝶園進行課程的情況進行訪談,發現教師還是沒有帶學生至蝴蝶園教學,但部分教師已經改變對蝴蝶的心態、與家人一起飼養蝴蝶、或自製手工的蝴蝶,當作教材。願意分享自己的想法、作品及教學經驗,發想出不一樣的蝴蝶課程。本研究最後,提出第二輪行動研究的方案,其中包括提高蝴別的數量的方案、透過學生及班導師來促發社群教師帶學生走出教室的方案。 研究結果發現引起教師興趣、提升教師蝴蝶知識以及教學法的策略有:進行戶外教學、遊戲、動手做的活動;分享與蝴蝶有關的情報;邀請專家分享專業經驗;老師一起舉辦活動。筆者運用這些策略讓教師在知識、教學法、教學夥伴關係上皆有明顯的變化。 關鍵字:教師專業社群、生態教育


The purpose of research is to explore the process of integrating the ecological butterfly garden with the community of teachers' ecological education, to enhance teachers' interest in the butterfly garden, and to understand the butterfly garden's final use of the butterfly garden. The researchers designed the curriculum, and established a professional community to observe the changes of the participating teachers. Find out the difficulties of implementing the Butterfly Garden courses in the classroom. This study takes the professional community of the butterfly garden teachers of LongLong Elementary School in New Taipei City as the research scope, and takes the elementary school teachers as the research object. The natural science teachers who participate in the professional community of this butterfly garden are senior teachers. The researcher is a new teacher who has been a teacher for 2 years. With the "teacher professional community" as the core of development, through the action research method, combined with the school-based curriculum of the butterfly garden ecological curriculum, the teacher's needs and the researcher's goal are continuously revised 12 times. The results of this study show that teachers prefer to participate in outdoor, game, and hands-on types of gatherings, but in the classroom teaching, they prefer to teach in the classroom, if they want to go outdoors. It indicates that there are many inconveniences that need to be resolved Researchers and community teachers have designed many butterfly garden teaching activities: including Peekaboo School, Guess, Magical Vegetables, Butterfly Fishing, Butterfly Kingdom, The Interesting Honey Flowers, Butterfly Maker and so on. Make teachers' teaching more vivid, more interesting, and more effective in the class. 【Key words】Teacher Professional Community, Eco-education


