  • 學位論文


Image-Based Landslide and Crack Monitoring System

指導教授 : 王偉彥 許陳鑑


['台灣山勢高聳、地形陡峭地理環境十分特殊,且平原面積較少、人口密度高,原本未使用的山坡地逐漸的開發,山坡地也因為森林樹木遭到過度濫伐,使得土地變得脆弱不堪。而台灣的氣候常年受到颱風和梅雨季節的影響,會帶來豐沛的雨量,又位於環太平洋地震帶上容易發生地震,這些自然因素和人為因素就非常容易導致土石鬆動、地滑走山、山崩、建築物傾斜、建築物產生裂縫甚至倒塌等危險災害,使許多人有財務上的損失甚至導致受傷嚴重更是喪失性命。 本研究目的是發展一個影像式量測方法,並將其用於地滑監測以及裂縫監測。這兩套系統都是使用攝影機以及個人電腦去進行監測,利用攝影機拍攝待觀測目標,再用程式去計算出地滑位移量或是裂縫變化量,以達到即時地滑監測和即時裂縫監測的目的,在大規模的地滑和建築物倒塌發生前可以發出預警通知給相關人員。希望藉由這兩套系統,可以降低意外和災害所來的影響,減少人民財物和生命的損失。而監測系統在觀測地滑和裂縫的精準性、即時性和實用性,可以用於觀測大地和建築物上,有助於提升監測系統在相關領域的發展。 ']


['Special geographic environments such as towering mountains, steep terrain, and so on, are especially common in Taiwan. However, they are easily affected by natural disasters including typhoons and earthquakes. Over-exploitation as well as excessive logging from human destruction also leads to catastrophic results, such as landslide and mudslide. In order to prevent loss of human lives from such disasters, this paper proposed image-based landslide and crack monitoring systems. The two systems are composed of a computer and a camera, respectively. By capturing the image from the camera, the systems are able to obtain the displacement of the landslide or crack by software. Moreover, time measurement is also employed to alert users when the displacement is higher than a threshold. High accuracy, immediacy and practicality are the characteristics of the proposed systems. To evaluate the proposed systems, several experiments are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the systems. ']


[1] 台灣地質知識服務網,http://twgeoref.moeacgs.gov.tw/GipOpenWeb/wSite/mp
[2] 方育清,「光電影像式2D地滑監測裝置和警戒研究」,碩士論文,國立臺灣海洋大學通訊與導航工程研究所,民國104年。
[3] 王士嘉,「影像式遠距二維空間微量位移監測系統」,碩士論文,聖約翰科技大學電子工程研究所,民國104年。
[4] 唐天佑,「基於FPGA和機器視覺應用於地滑監測系統」,碩士論文,聖約翰科技大學電子工程研究所,民國99年。
[5] M.-C. Lu, “System and method for monitoring landslide from a long distance based on CCD image,” Taiwan Patent I380247.
