  • 學位論文


The Development of Japan’s Seapower Strategy in the Post-War Era: From the Perspective of Seapower Theory

指導教授 : 林賢參


本研究乃是透過海權理論來檢視戰後日本的海權戰略走向。主要目的在於探討當代日本政府建構海權戰略之動機與發展變化,以期能利用海權戰略的視角來探討「日本的軍事政策是否將持續進展,從而突破和平憲法對武力行使之限制?」乃至於東亞未來的區域態勢變化等議題。 根據本文的研究結果,本文認為,日本當代的「海權意識」於江戶幕府中後期萌芽,大日本帝國時代茁壯。其後,日本的海權戰略雖一度因第二次世界大戰戰敗而沉潛,但在冷戰時代開始後主要受到「國際體系」、「經濟貿易」等二項因素的影響而被重視,並且以1980年代出現的新冷戰為契機,在美國的壓力與協助下,逐漸發展成為東亞區域不可忽視的海上力量。同時,為確保國家在變動的國際體系中能夠生存與發展,日本在往後會持續展開以國家力量追求含括「海洋權力」及「海洋權益」在內的海權戰略,亦標誌著日本將逐步突破自第二次世界大戰結束以來憲法第九條對國家行使武力的規範及限制。


This study aims to clarify the motivations and evolution of Japan’s seapower strategy in the Post-War Era by using the seapower theory in order to reply to issues such as “Will Japan keep developing its military power and break the limitation from the article 9 of the constitution?” and “What is the tendency of East Asia’s regional security situation in the foreseeable future?” According to the conclusions of the research, this study suggests that Japan’s concept of modern seapower emerged in the late middle Edo period, grew in the period of the Empire of Japan and resurrected in the Post-War Era mainly due to the effects of “international system” and “economy and trade” despite the once stagnation caused by the failure of WWⅡ. Also, with the pressure and assistance which were given by America in the “New Cold War” (1980s) era, Japan’s seapower has progressively become the power that can no longer be underestimated in the East Asia. On the other hand, the study believes that Japan will continue to chase the seapower strategy which is combined with “sea power” and “sea right/interest” in the future for the purposes of keeping the existence and development of the state in the dynamic international system. By doing so, Japan will gradually break the limitation from the article 9 of the constitution and regain the right of conducting military power.


阮宗澤,2015。《權力盛宴的黃昏 美國「亞太再平衡」戰略與中國對策》。北京:時事出版社。
