  • 學位論文


A Contrastive Analysis of News Introduction and Headlines on Facebook in Chinese and English: Interaction Strategies and its Pedagogical Application

指導教授 : 謝佳玲


新聞是民眾獲取資訊的重要來源。隨著社群網站的興起與普及,社群網站便成為新聞媒體傳播線上新聞的主要方式之一。「互動」被視為社群媒體的主要優勢和特徵(Ksiazek et al., 2016; Morris & Ogan, 1996)。新聞編者在其新聞粉絲專頁上發佈新聞時所呈現的「新聞分享引言」與「新聞標題」對於提高互動性扮演重要角色。然而探討相關互動策略的研究仍不多見。因此,本研究採用Hyland(2005)後設論述架構中的七類標記作為分析互動策略的框架,對比分析中英軟、硬新聞分享引言和標題的互動策略,並將結果應用於華語教學中。 本研究之語料取自2017年台灣與美國臉書新聞粉絲專頁上的新聞分享引言與新聞標題各300筆。對比結果發現,中英新聞分享引言與標題之互動策略有相似亦有相異處。相似處如:中英皆使用大量且豐富的態度標記詞彙。相異處諸如:中文整體互動策略標記的使用頻率高於英文、中文比起英文更常使用態度標記和推進標記、態度標記與推進標記之詞彙也較英文更為豐富,而英文比起中文常使用內指標記和規避標記。 研究結果顯示,中英相似處反映出兩者皆傾向於新聞分享引言和標題中展示作者立場和態度以提升互動性。但其中相異處也顯示語言文化對中英互動策略的語言形式與使用頻率之影響。本文將研究結果應用於中文新聞之新聞分享引言與標題的閱讀教學設計上。


For the general public, news is an important source of information. With the emergence and increasing prevalence of social networking websites, social networking websites have become one of the main platforms where online news is delivered. “Interaction” is viewed as a major advantage and characteristic of social media (Ksiazek et al., 2016; Morris & Ogan, 1996). “News introduction” and “news headlines” posted by social media editors for news articles published on their fan pages play an important role in increasing the interactivity of social media. As research of interaction strategies is rare, this study employed the seven markers in Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse as a framework for analyzing interaction strategies. Based on this framework, this study compared the interaction strategies used in introduction and headlines for hard news and soft news on Chinese and English Facebook fan pages, and then applied the results to teaching Chinese as a second language. The corpus used in this study was obtained from Taiwanese and American news media’s Facebook fan pages during 2017. 300 pieces of news introduction and news headlines in each language were collected. The comparison showed numerous similarities and differences in the interaction strategies between Chinese and English news. The similarities include, for instance, frequent use of a large amount of and diverse attitude markers. The differences include, for instance, the overall use of interaction strategy markers in Chinese news is higher than that of English news, attitude markers and boosters are utilized more frequently and with more diversity in Chinese news compared to English news, and endophoric markers and hedges are more common in English news compared to Chinese news. The results of this study on Chinese and English news interaction strategies showed that similarly, they both demonstrate a tendency to display the author’s stance and attitude in news introduction and headlines in order to increase interactivity, while the differences reveal the influence of language and culture disparities on the form and frequency of interaction strategies. This study also applied the results to design instructions on reading Chinese news introduction and news headlines.


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