  • 學位論文


The Constructing of Process Management on Performing Arts Festival in Taiwan: An Implementer Perspective

指導教授 : 夏學理 歐陽穎華


中國時報曾在2006年以「全台飆節慶」述說臺灣各地藝術節慶氾濫之景象,儘管種類繁多,卻缺乏具有口碑和指標性的藝術節慶;十年後,「Art plus」雜誌又再度對臺灣藝術節慶的狀況提出質疑:「我們是否真的需要這麼多、多到令人感到不可思議的藝術節慶呢?」 節慶活動是人類生活中的記憶指標,它所含括了地區特有的文化氛圍,結合經濟、社會、環境、政治等層面。成功的活動能夠為地方帶來新氣象、打造名聲、促進觀光、刺激經濟、帶動地方產業的建立與發展,繼而創造產值回饋當地。然而產業的形成,需要長時間的耕耘,故藝術節慶是否能夠持續辦理並且永續經營便成為關鍵。 永續經營並不是件容易的事,從前期規劃到執行管理,每一個階段都可能會發生許多對節慶活動結果產生影響的事件,表演藝術節慶類的難度尤其高。由於,表演藝術節慶的美麗,在於其多變,又充滿驚喜的特性,結果也常常是無法被精準預測的。關於藝術節慶的研究眾多,其中不外乎為討論辦理節慶活動的正當性以及如何建構品牌之相關議題,鮮少有針對流程管理的研究,研究的出發角度也少以執行單位為導向。因此,本文的研究目的旨在探討執行單位從規劃到實際執行的流程,找尋出規劃表演藝術節慶活動時必須列入的考量議題,以及探討辦理表演藝術節慶時必須具備之專業知識素養為何。 透過文獻分析法歸納整理應有的管理流程、並與多位擁有專業經驗的產官學民界中的執行者進行深度訪談,檢視藝術節慶的辦理模式後,歸納辦理活動時所應注重之要點,並希望提供執行單位適用之管理流程與未來辦理表演藝術節慶活動時之參考方向和實質建議。 關鍵字:表演藝術節慶、管理流程、執行單位


In 2006, China times published a series of report to describe the circumstance in Taiwan, although there are lots of different types of Art festivals, it is still difficult to name which is representative and iconic; Ten years later, The Magazine Art Plus raise this question again, unbelievable, the festivals in Taiwan is too much, may people wondering that do we really need so many festivals? Performing arts festival is considering as a lifestyle in an area, it contains the area's atmosphere, culture, customs. It combines politic orientation, economic orientation, social orientation and environment orientation. A successful festival could bring help a city shape their image, encourage the economic and tourism, brought out the reputation tourism, then it could finally form an industry in an area, but it takes the process to reach all the needs. To develop a sustainable festival is not easy, from the planning stage to implementing stage, every stage has a great impact to the festival, especially to the performing arts festivals, the beauty of the performing arts festival is the nature of unpredictable and its variable. There is a lot of research and studies about whether the event should be held or not, but only a few of them were focused on the implementer ‘s perspective and the process of planning a festival. Therefore, this study aims to understand the process of planning and the process of implementing, to see if there is still a certain pattern and process, and what are the factors that an implementer should consider when holding an event. This study would take a closer look at the implementer's perspective, interview implementers such as scholars, executives, event planners, and organizers to learn from their experiences, then combine them to reference about event planning. And hoping that the result of this study could provide for using in relevant fields. Keywords: Performing Arts Festival, Process Management, Implementer.


一、 中文部分
QC手法研究小組(譯)(2003)。 新QC七大手法(原作者:QC手法開發部會)。 新北市:先鋒企管中心。
