  • 學位論文

胡果‧沃爾夫《莫里克歌曲集》之分析與演奏詮釋 〈少年和蜜蜂〉(Der Knabe und das Immlein)、〈春來了〉(Er ist’s)、 〈漫遊所見〉(Auf einer Wanderung)、〈精靈之歌〉(Elfenlied)、〈遁世〉(Verborgenheit)、〈火焰騎士〉(Der Feuerreiter)、〈小鼓手〉(Der Tambour)、〈被遺棄的少女〉(Das verlassene Mägdlein) 以此八首為例

The Analysis and the Interpretation of Hugo Wolf’s〈Mörike Lieder〉

指導教授 : 李燕宜


胡果‧沃爾夫(Hugo Wolf, 1860-1903)是一位以德文藝術歌曲留名的作曲家,他在德文藝術歌曲的發展過程中,扮演著極重要的角色,也在藝術歌曲的創作上,擁有自己對於音樂的堅持以及創作原則。其中包括在詩詞的選擇上,沃爾夫喜歡選用未被其他作曲家譜寫過的詩作,其中非當代詩人的作品佔了絕大多數;他也不像舒伯特或舒曼等作曲家譜寫聯篇歌曲形式的作品,而是單一譜寫一位詩人的作品,再集結成冊出版,並在舊有的標題前加上「由…作的詩歌」(Gedichte von …)作為新的副標題,藉此表現沃爾夫對於詩人的重視與尊敬;在鋼琴寫作的安排上,他使用「給人聲與鋼琴」(für Singstimme und Klavier)取代原有的標題「給人聲加上鋼琴伴奏」(für Singstimme mit Klavier),且在歌曲中譜寫具備高度技巧性的鋼琴彈奏技法,甚至是長篇幅的鋼琴尾奏,以此來突顯鋼琴在藝術歌曲中被大幅提升且不可或缺的地位。 「重視詩詞」為沃爾夫創作藝術歌曲的理念,同時也是他在德文藝術歌曲發展中最重要的貢獻之一,也因為這項創作理念與作曲手法,使得沃爾夫的藝術歌曲開啟了前所未有的藝術歌曲走向,將詩與樂更緊密地結合,在藝術歌曲的發展中開啟嶄新的扉頁。在藝術歌曲中,沃爾夫以詩詞主導音樂的發展,也因此在聲樂及鋼琴寫作方面,使用了許多不同於前輩作曲家---舒伯特(Franz Schubert, 1797-1828)、舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)、孟德爾頌(Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847) 、布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)…等人的創作手法,包括朗誦式演唱法、半音或同音重複的旋律線條、頻繁的術語標示、主導動機之運用…等,完成了共二百五十餘首的歌曲,從中建立自己獨特的音樂風格。 在沃爾夫的二百五十餘首歌曲作品中,共包含了五冊重要的歌曲集以及數首零星作品,其中《莫里克歌曲集》(Gedichte von Mörike, 1889)的創作靈感來自於他最愛的詩人---莫里克(Eduard Mörike, 1804-1875),作品內容多元豐富,且是沃爾夫所選用詩人作品數量最多的歌曲集,更為沃爾夫建立其創作風格的第一套作品。 本論文主要以《莫里克歌曲集》中的八首選曲為研究主題,分別是〈少年和蜜蜂〉(Der Knabe und das Immlein)、〈春來了〉(Er ist’s)、〈漫遊所見〉(Auf einer Wanderung)、〈精靈之歌〉(Elfenlied)、〈遁世〉(Verborgenheit)、〈火焰騎士〉(Der Feuerreiter)、〈小鼓手〉(Der Tambour)以及〈被遺棄的少女〉(Das verlassene Mägdlein),分別以四個章節探討沃爾夫之生平與創作風格、莫里克之生平與創作風格,以及八首選曲之分析與演奏詮釋,並在第五章節作結論,希冀能提供日後研究此套作品者些微有助益之參考。


Hugo Wolf (1860-1903) was a composer well-known for his German Lieder. He played an important role in the process of the German Lieder history and had some insistence of music and composition. Which include his choices in text, he chose to use less works from contemporary poets or works which had been used by other composers. Unlike composers who wrote song cycles, for instance, Schubert and Schuman, Hugo Wolf composed works on the basis of one single poet’s poems, and gathered them into volumes then published, adding “Gedichte von …” to the original titles as new subtitles, which reveals Wolf’s respect to poets. In the field of composition in the piano, he replaced the original title “für Singstimme mit Klavier” with “für Singstimme und Klavier”. Besides, he put highly technical piano skills into works, even long length of coda for piano, to emphasize the greatly raised importance and indispensable status of the piano in Lieder. “Putting emphasis on text” was the belief of Wolf in his composition in Lieder, which also was one of his most importance contributions in German Lieder. In his art songs, he established unique composition style by seeing the poetry as a leader of music. He used some special composition technique which different from Schubert(1797-1828), Schumann(1810-1856), Mendelssohn(1809-1847) and Brahms(1833-1897) etc, to compose his songs. Wolf’s over 250 songs include five important song books and several single works in it. His Gedichte von Mörike was inspired by his favorite poet--- Eduard Mörike (1804-1875). It has varied content and it was the most number of poems he chose in the poet he picked. And it was the first song book after Wolf established his composition style. These eight songs of the Gedichte von Mörike are selected as the research topic of this thesis, which are Der Knabe und das Immlein, Er ist’s, Auf einer Wanderung, Elfenlied, Verborgenheit, Der Feuerreiter, Der Tambour and Das verlassene Mägdlein. There are five chapter in the thesis, includes the biographies, composition and writing style of Wolf and Mörike, the background, analysis and interpretation of the Gedichte von Mörike. Finally in the chapter five will integrate the foregoing statement, and wish can offer some valuable suggestions for someone who interested in this song book in the future.


