  • 學位論文


A Study on the Process of Participation for the Triathlon Beginners

指導教授 : 吳崇旗


近年國內各項熱門賽事興起,鐵人三項賽事報名人數與場次也逐年攀升。鐵人須具備高度技能與體能,同時發揮過人的毅力,方能在有限的時間內連續完成三項運動。新手的體力、技術、經驗、意志力相較老手或許看似不起眼,但望其向友人神采飛揚的描述中可知新手獲得的經驗不比他人淺薄,期望透過本研究瞭解鐵人三項新手從接觸契機、準備、參賽到賽後的精神延伸之歷程。 本研究透過半結構式深度訪談法,於 2019 年 7 月至 12 月間訪談了四位三鐵新手分別參與過兩鐵、短程賽、標準賽、超鐵,並取得參與者參賽前後的文字紀錄,再以 QSR NVivo 11 軟體進行質性資料分析。 研究發現新手在參賽動機、備賽訓練、克服休閒阻礙、賽中身心感受及持續涉入中可發現來自運動社團或家庭的社會支持。面對不同休閒阻礙時有時採取積極策略,發揮認真休閒特質克服阻礙;有時採取消極策略,其中部分阻礙可能暫時中斷涉入。參與者以賽程中面臨的身心感受作為挑戰,可從描述中發現心流體驗的特徵,並在歷程中發揮堅持到底、永不放棄的鐵人精神,賽後的效益也作為參賽者以不同形式持續參與三鐵的動機,可在歷程中發現認真休閒的特徵。 根據研究結果,分別給予相關單位推廣活動、新手參與鐵人三項之準備上不同的建議。


In recent years, various domestic sport events have risen, and the number of triathlon participants and competition has also increased year by year. Triathletes must have a high level of skills and physical power, meanwhile exerting strong perseverance to be able to complete three sports in a limited time. The physical power, skill, experience, and perseverance of beginners may seem inconspicuous compared to the adept one, but we know that the beginner's experience is not less than others when listening to their energetic description. Through this study, we can understand the motivation, preparation, and spiritual extension of triathlon beginners. In this study, semi-structured interviews is conducted, and four triathlon beginners, who participated in duathlon, novice distance, Olympic distance, or triathlon 140.6, were in-depth and semi-structured interviews from July to December 2019, and obtain the text records written before or after the participation by them, then constant comparison was employed to analyze the qualitative information by using the software QSR NVivo 11. The result found that beginners can find social support from sports clubs or families in motivation, preparation, leisure constraints, physical and mental feelings, and enduring involvement. When beginners faced with different constraints, sometimes they adopt active strategies using serious leisure to overcome constraints; sometimes they adopt negative strategies and some of which may temporarily interrupt the involvement. Beginners take the physical and mental feelings during the game as a challenge, and we can find the characteristics of the flow experience from their description; they showed the ironman spirit including persistence and never give up in the participation, and the leisure benefits also serve as motivation for beginners to participation triathlon in different ways, and we can find the characteristics of serious leisure in this process. According to the results, different suggestions are given to triathlon organizers for promoting activities, and beginners for preparing participation.


Diener, E. (1984). Subjective Well-Being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542-575.
