  • 學位論文


Using an eye tracking to explore effect on print awareness for different guidance of reading electronic story book

指導教授 : 張國恩 宋曜廷 劉子鍵


閱讀對於兒童教育是相當重要的,幼兒園老師與父母親會帶領兒童進行共享閱讀,親子共讀能幫助兒童培養讀寫萌發技巧。過去研究發現,若兒童從早期開始培養閱讀的習慣,並從閱讀當中培養兒童文字覺察的能力,對兒童未來的識字能力發展相當有幫助。 本研究以雙北市幼兒園的學齡前兒童為研究參與者,並將兒童分為三組,分別為有聲電子繪本組(控制組)、聲音與文字同步變化內隱式引導組(實驗組一)和文字知識外顯式引導組(實驗組二)。三組以相同的繪本進行閱讀,但繪本以不同引導方式呈現,有聲電子繪本組是將傳統的印刷繪本轉換為電子繪本並加入聲音來逐字唸讀繪本;聲音與文字同步變化內隱式引導組將有聲電子繪本更進一步加入視覺效果,讓文字顏色標註與唸讀的聲音同步呈現,此組為內隱式的引導;文字知識外顯式引導組為有聲電子繪本組加入一些閱讀規則、文字相關知識的教學,此組為外顯式的引導。研究將測量兒童的文字覺察能力、詞彙能力以及視覺注意力分佈,藉由文字覺察測驗、畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗以及眼動追蹤數據、來了解哪一種電子繪本引導方式最能提升兒童的文字覺察,並以眼動追蹤來了解兒童閱讀電子繪本的視覺注意力分佈。


Reading is important for children's education, kindergarten teachers and parents accompany children to share reading. Shared reading can help children develop literacy skills. In the past research, it was found that if children develop the habit of reading from the early stage, can improve the ability of children's print awareness, Today's story books are no longer presented in paper form, and many publishers publish electronic story books. This research were interested in children aged 4 to 6 in a kindergarten. And the children are divided into three groups, audio e-book group, print highlighting group and print discussion group. Three groups are reading with the same story book, but the picture books are presented in different ways. The audio e-book group converts the traditional printed story book into an electronic story book and joins the sound to read the story book verbatim. Print highlighting group adds the visual effects of audio e-book, print changes marked with read the simultaneous presentation of the painting, which is an implicit guide. The print discussion group adds some print questions, responses and discussions to the audio e-book group, which is an explicit guide. The study will measure children's visual attention, print awareness and word recognition ability, by student’s eye tracking data, print awareness test and word recognition test. To understand what kind of electronic story book presentation type can best improve children's print awareness, and eye tracking data use to understand children's visual attention.


