  • 學位論文


A Study on Exploratory Online Music Information-Seeking Behavior

指導教授 : 卜小蝶


聆聽音樂為一般大眾常見且重要的休閒活動之一,隨著網路及數位化科技蓬勃發展,線上數位音樂的數量及服務平台成長快速,人們逐漸從聆聽實體音樂轉移至線上數位音樂。同時,人們對音樂的興趣常有變化,尋找未曾聆聽過的新音樂有相當大的需求。此外,音樂搜尋不同於一般文字檢索,由於音樂缺乏足夠的文字資訊,使用者不易以類似關鍵字的方式來表達需求,特別是一無所知的新音樂,更是難以掌握。本研究主要目的為瞭解在線上數位音樂環境中,一般青壯年使用者探索新音樂的動機、需求、及尋求歷程。 本研究以18至45歲的青壯年使用者為對象,採用問卷、日誌、訪談、實驗等多元方法。問卷主要收集使用者日常聆聽音樂喜好與線上數位音樂平台之使用經驗等;日誌用來瞭解使用者在日常生活中,對新音樂探索的動機、需求及尋找歷程;實驗是用以觀察不同使用者在相同探索情境中的尋求行為異同;訪談則是深入瞭解使用者主觀想法,並驗証前述所收集資料一致性。本研究共收集951份有效問卷,並從問卷填答者中邀請15位參與後續之日誌、實驗及訪談。 研究結果發現,就聆聽音樂及使用經驗,使用者多獨自聆聽音樂;聆聽場所以家中及行動中為主;聆聽時段以夜間為主;聆聽的載具愈來愈偏重智慧型手機;YouTube是最主要聆聽與新音樂探索平台,其次為Spotify、KKBOX等線上音樂平台;主要聆聽音樂類型包括流行樂、搖滾樂、獨立音樂等。而就使用者的新音樂探索動機,其影響因素可區分為個人及社會性二類因素,本研究進一步依觸發情境再細分為九種動機類型,個人因素包括個人興趣、滿足好奇、回憶觸發、喜新厭舊、放鬆心情、學習新知、排解無聊;社會性因素包括迎合潮流、自我表現。就使用者的新音樂資訊需求及尋求歷程,其主要資訊來源為被動偶遇,但仍有超過一半的使用者會主動探索新音樂;而在主動探索中又以關鍵字搜尋及瀏覽為主要接收資訊管道;所使用的探索平台以YouTube為主,Spotify、KKBOX等線上音樂平台也是重要探索管道;所使用的搜尋策略除關鍵字搜尋外,也會大量瀏覽平台或系統所提供之分類及推薦資訊,例如熱門音樂排行榜、音樂類型目錄等;而在搜尋與瀏覽的過程中,使用者樂於試探點選感興趣的新音樂,並不排斥與原有音樂偏好無關之音樂等。新音樂的探索歷程,並不一定為線性進行,且探索過程與探索結果的界線模糊,在整個新音樂探索的歷程中,各項行為特性彼此連結、相互影響;本研究最後依據前述結果,整理出新音樂探索式尋求之概念模式,並針對使用者及線上音樂平台提出改善新音樂探索效益之建議。


Music listening is an important leisure activity for general public. With the rapid growth of online music and related services, more and more people tend to listen to online music rather than music from traditional channels. Meanwhile, people’s music interests are dynamic changing and the need for new music is commonly found in music seeking. Unlike searching textual information, people often find it difficult to express their needs by keywords, particularly they have no clues in new or unknown music finding. Such seeking process was termed as music exploring in this study, and the researcher attempts to collect new music finding data from the subjects of 18-45, and analyze their motivation, needs and searching process. This study used multiple research methods. Questionnaire method for collecting data about users' online music listening habits and using experiences. Diary method to record users' motivation, needs and seeking process about new music exploration in daily life. Experiment method use the same scenario to compare differences between every participants' seeking behavior. And interview for getting more implicit information from users. In the end of data collecting stage, we received 951 questionnaire answers and had 15 research participants. Results show that most of the users prefer to listen to music while they're staying at home or moving, and tend to listen to music alone in the night. According to the data, we can clearly find out that devices which users used more to listen online music are smart phones. YouTube is the most popular service followed by online music services such as Spotify, KKBOX etc., and top genres are pop, rock, indie music. In addition to that, there are 2 types of new music exploratory motivation, Individual factor & Social factor. The main source of new music information is encounter, but still, over 50% of users would explore music initiatively. Services user used to explore music also as same as what they listen to. In the music exploratory process, except for the keyword search, users would greatly browse information (Top ranking charts, genre catalogs etc.) served from online music services, and would be more willing to try the music they might interest in, even the music differ from what they love. Exploratory music seeking process could be a linea process or not. In the process, every behavior all connect and effect to each other, and boundaries between steps are fuzzy. In the end of this study, we present a model of exploratory music seeking process and suggestions to users and online music services for improving their services about music exploration.


T客邦(2015年8月17日)。串流平台該怎麼選?Spotify / Google / LINE / KKBOX


王鉦勛(2023)。社會議題型YouTube自媒體創作者之資訊行為: 以《志祺七七X圖文不符》為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU202303782
