  • 學位論文


Rethinking Literary Form in the Historical Transition of Early Republican Period: A Study on Lu-Qian’s Theories and Works of Classical Poetry, Ci Poetry, and Sanqu

指導教授 : 林佳蓉


盧前為民初著名詞曲學家,不僅致力建構舊體韻文理論,亦兼擅新、舊各體文學創作;更與任訥聯袂擘劃「散曲」理論體系,成為「散曲」學科的重要奠基者之一。為了探索盧前在民初學界的特殊意義及重要貢獻,本論文採取「跨文體」研究視角,觀察盧前在民初世變的多重情境下,如何省思「新」與「舊」、「中」、「西」、「白話」與「文言」的關連,如何重新架構「詩」、「詞」、「散曲」文體論;並且從文體「理論」與「創作」的參差映照之中,分析盧前如何活化各式舊體韻文,以回應世變,定位自我。 本論文運用三種層次解決上述問題:第二章「文體觀的生成背景」以政體轉變、戰爭動盪、教育制度、學術思潮作為世變背景,詳細考察盧前一生行止如何在世變影響下,奠立其理論及創作的視野基礎。第三章「文體論的架構體系」探討盧前利用學科分化的架構,如何從「共性論」、「辨體論」、「發展史論」三大層面重新建立「詩」、「詞」、「散曲」的義界、性質與流變;詳述盧前如何援用各種策略,建構散曲的學科版圖。「文體實踐的轉變歷程」一章挽合上述二章觀點,將盧前的創作實踐分為前、後二期,探索每一階段的文體觀、創作意識與特點的細部漸變軌跡;進而觀察創作實踐理論的過程中,如何從廣泛涉獵到迷惘游移,最終拓闢「民國詩」的新格局。 經由三方面層層分析,展示盧前不同於其師吳梅以及學衡派第一代的新視野。他致力溝通新舊文體的隔閡,而散曲則是立足於新、舊兩端的平衡點;他延續吳梅的理念,彌縫理論與創作的斷裂,並且為理論注入時代元素,為創作開拓新變空間,賦予舊體韻文新的存續生機。 民初學人雖然已往,但是餘波猶存,他們極力開創學科以及創作新實踐的成果,對當代影響深遠,如何重新鑑往而知來?則是當代學人值得深入反思的課題。本論文所提出的一套文學研究法――――通過「世變」與「文變」的互動考察,以「跨文體」視角連結「理論」與「創作」,希冀能開展「民初舊體文學」以及「專家研究」的新向度。


盧前 舊體詩 散曲 世變 文體 民初舊體文學 民國文學


Lu-Qian was a famous scholar specialized in Ci and Qu poetry during the Early Republican Period. Not only he dedicated his work to develop traditional poetic composition theories and wrote magnificent verses in both modern and classical poetry, he also elaborated ideas regarding Sanqu with Ren-Na(任訥) and became an important founder of Sanqu discipline. Adopting cross genres research method, this study aims to observe how Lu-Qian reviewed the connections between “new” and “old” , “China” and “west” , “vernacular language” and “classical language” and analyze how he renovated the forms of classical poetry during the turmoil of Early Republican Period. In addition, through the combination of literary forms theories with texts, this thesis discusses how Lu-Qian's variety of traditional rhymed writings responded to the historical transition and rebuilt the poet's self. This research focuses mainly on three perspectives to solve the above mentioned questions: Chapter Ⅱ, “Creating Literary Forms”, takes this period of transition, that involved changes in China's political and educational system, as background and investigates how historical framework influenced Lu-Qian’s entire life, his thought and his works. Chapter Ⅲ, “The Theoretical System of Literary Form”, explores the differentiation of disciplines carried on by the poet, aimed to redefine the characteristics and the development of Classical Poetry, Ci Poetry, and Sanqu; for this purpose, he started from three main assumptions: the commonness of literary forms, the differentiation of literary forms and their historical development. Moreover, it expounds Lu-Qian's strategies to construct the discipline field of Sanqu. Chapter Ⅳ, “Literary Forms Realization Process”, combines the above mentioned perspectives discussed in the first two chapters of the study, then classifies Lu-Qian’s works into two separated periods in which it is possible to witness a change in his concept of literary forms, and the arising of his writing awareness. He moved from a confused and hesitating state of mind to the creation of the new pattern of “Republic of China Poem”, that is the conclusive application of his theories to practical composition. Through this analysis, the research shows, on one hand, how Lu-Qian’s new vision differs from his teacher Wu-Mei(吳梅) and the first generation of Xueheng school(學衡派) thought. He strived to close the gap between modern and classical forms and found in Sanqu form the equilibrium point between these two ends. On the other hand, he also continued Wu-Mei’s ideas by reducing the distance between theory and text, revising old concepts in a modern light, finding new possibilities for literary creation, and giving the traditional form a new life. From this point of view, through the years the achievements of the Republican Period's scholars have deep effects on the current generation, and how to read the future by reconsidering the past is a question worth to ponder for contemporary scholars. In conclusion, this study proposes a research method on literature. It consists in the observation on the interaction of historical and literary transition, and by using a cross genres analysis, it finds the connection between theories and works, which may bring new developments in “classical literature in Early Republican Period” and “specialist research” fields.


