  • 學位論文

翻譯成功,譯介幸福:卡內基之How to Win Friends and Influence People譯本研究

Translating Success and Happiness: A Study on Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People in Chinese Translations

指導教授 : 賴慈芸


心靈勵志書籍作為通俗文化的一環,長久以來在圖書市場上銷售量極高。此類書籍可觀察到社會文化脈絡,展現當時代人們的價值觀趨勢。東西方文化存在差異的情況下,國外譯介的心靈勵志書籍在國內同樣具有一定知名度,可以看出文化的吸收與轉化。迄今鮮少翻譯研究探討心靈勵志書籍的翻譯與文化,因此本研究以美國暢銷勵志書籍How to Win Friends and Influence People為對象進行譯文分析和副文本探討。 溝通與人際關係大師-戴爾・卡內基於1936年出版暢銷書How to Win Friends and Influence People迄今八十餘年,屢屢再版。本論文選擇1938年至2000年的四本中文譯本進行文本分析,並以拉菲弗爾的翻譯理論為架構發現,各譯本受到詩學觀、時代背景、以及相關贊助人等影響,但影響程度不一;根據紐馬克提出的翻譯原則與方法,原文文本具有呼籲類文本的寫作手法,因不同時代而有不同的翻譯表現手法;此外,從書籍包裝、行銷和培訓課程來看,亦可看出相關贊助人的影響力。二十世紀初的暢銷書經過八十年不斷地出版譯介,受到時代事件的左右與贊助者的操控而形成多樣的面貌,不僅影響著目標語文化,也受到目標語文化的影響。


翻譯 勵志書籍 戴爾卡內基


As one of the bestselling types of book in the market, self-help books serve as a useful approach to uncover the morals and values of a culture and society. Through the discussion of translated self-help books, the transfer and absorption of cultural elements can be revealed and the differences between the source and target cultures can be shown in the text. Relatively few studies have analyzed a society through translated self-help books. Therefore, this paper focuses on the Chinese translations of Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, which have been sold in Taiwan, and attempts to discover how these translations have changed over time and the different factors that have caused these changes. The writer will select four translations from 1938 to 2000. According to Lefevere’s translation theory, the translated texts are influenced by the contemporary era, poetics, and patronage. Additionally, based on the translation methods proposed by Newmark, the features of vocative function in the texts are presented differently in translated texts. It is found that the cover of the books, marketing strategies, and training courses are impacted by these patrons. As an English-to-Chinese self-help book, How to Win Friends and Influence People not only influences the target culture, but is also influenced by it. It is hoped that with discussion, this paper will offer insight into the culture and ideology behind translated self-help books.


translation self-help books Dale Carnegie


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李宗吾(1912/ 2005)。人性的弱點。台北:新潮社。
李宗吾(1912/ 2013)。厚黑學36計(魏成龍編譯)。台北市:婦女與生活社。
