  • 學位論文


Talent identification in junior taekwondo athletes

指導教授 : 李恆儒


緒論:選才是提升臺灣跆拳道的競爭力的有效方法,而良好的選才模式需奠基於科學與系統化的方法。本研究目的在評估不同競賽成就的青少年跆拳道選手,在年齡、訓練年資、肢段參數、體能水準與心理技能應用的差異,找出影響對打競賽表現的關鍵指標,作為青少年跆拳道選才之參考。方法:本研究招募高中跆拳道運動員男性51名、女性31名。受試者依過去一年競賽成就分為優秀組 (曾獲得全國性比賽前三名者) 與次優秀組 (未曾獲得全國性比賽前三名者),所有受試者依序進行第三代渥太華心理技能量表 (OMSAT-3) 測量、肢段參數測量與體能測驗,所得資料依性別分別進行獨立樣本t檢定與皮爾森積差相關分析。結果:一、男性優秀組年齡較大、訓練年資較長、身高較高、下肢長度較長、大腿/身高比例較高、且連續360°旋踢、60公尺衝刺項目表現優於男性次優秀組;二、女性優秀組身高較高、下肢長度較長,下肢/身高比例較高、上臂圍較小、4公尺側併步、連續360°旋踢、60公尺衝刺項目表現較佳,心理技能方面在目標設定、自信、承諾、活化、心理練習、競賽計畫得分上優於次女性優秀組。結論:競賽成就較佳的青少年跆拳道選手在肢段參數、體能與心理技能的運用能力上具有優勢,但優勢具有性別差異,此外將體能與心理技能當作青少年跆拳道選才參考指標時,須注意年齡與經驗的影響。


Introduction: Talent identification is an effective way to improve competitiveness in taekwondo of Taiwan. A good talent identification program should be based on a scientific systematic approach. The purpose of this study was to assess age, playing years, mental skills, anthropometric parameters and physical fitness of teen taekwondo athletes, and to identify factors that could affect performance in taekwondo competitions. Methods: There were 51 male and 31 female high-school student taekwondo athletes recruited in this study. The competitors were divided into two group, elite (who had already won one or more medals at national competitions in the last one years.) and sub-elite group (who had not yet won one medal at national competitions in the last one years.), according to their competitive achievement. All participates were measured anthropometry, tested fitness, and then answered OMSAT-3 (Ottawa Mental Skill Assessment Tools (version 3) in order. The data were analyzed by t-test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Results: (1) The male elite group was older and had more years’ experience of training, taller, longer in lower extremity, had greater thigh / height proportion, achieved better results in successive roundhouse kicking and 60m sprint test than the male sub-elite group. (2) The female elite group was taller, longer in lower extremity, had greater lower extremity / height proportion, upper arm circumference, achieved better results in Successive roundhouse kick ,60m sprint and 4m Side steps test, scored better on goal setting, self-confidence, commitment, activation, imagery, competition than the female sub-elite group. Conclusion: Teen taekwondo athletes who performed better in competitions had advantages in anthropometric parameters, physical fitness and mental skills, but there were gender difference in those advantage factors. In addition, the effect of age and experience should be taken into account when fitness and mental skills were used as the talent identification indicators of teen taekwondo athletes.


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