  • 學位論文


A Study on Exploring the Behavioral Intention to Use the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) by adopting the Technology Acceptance Model

指導教授 : 陳敦基


MaaS (Mobility as a Service)交通行動服務概念是近年世界各地的交通運輸界的發展趨勢,其應用主要是透過資通訊技術作為基礎,手機的APP應用程式作為媒介,促成運輸業者與使用者的交易活動,在國外,漸漸的興起對MaaS的研究調查,而台灣國內亦開始意識到MaaS的趨勢,但針對MaaS在國內發展的社會適用性及使用者的使用意願並未有任何的研究,因此,本研究以科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM)作為理論基礎模型,利用結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)及迴歸分析等統計分析工具探討MaaS這一嶄新的概念對於未曾接觸相關概念知識的使用者在了解MaaS後之使用意願,自David et al.(2003)的研究中率先在科技接受模型的理論基礎上加入信任因子,並確立了其重要性,近幾年越來越多類似的研究出現,另外,以科技接受模型探討智慧運輸的研究亦開始出現,然而,過去卻鮮少有以科技接受模型結合信任因子應用於智慧運輸的研究,因此本研究以科技接受模型結合信任因子應用於MaaS上,以衡量此模型於MaaS上之適用性。因此,本研究在科技接受模型的基礎結合信任因子的影響,對MaaS的認知通過以下方式建立:(1)MaaS可能帶來的效益(2)MaaS操作的難易度(3)使用者對MaaS推動的信任(4)上述因素所影響的使用者對MaaS之使用意願。 本研究以至宜蘭地區遊玩的外地自駕族群為調查對象,回收樣本數共315份,其中15份為無效問卷,有效問卷為300份,透過結構方程式進行數據分析,研究結果證實理論架構中的八項假設皆成立(一)「相容性」會正面影響MaaS的認知易用性;(二)「價值觀」、「認知易用性」會正面影響MaaS的認知有用性;(三)「認知有用性」會正面影響「信任」;(四)「信任」、「認知有用性」及「認知易用性」會正面影響使用者對MaaS的「使用意願」;(五)以「價值觀」分為「創新」及「環保」兩個構面結合人口統計變數作為市場區隔變數,並找出潛在的市場需求族群;因此,本研究給業者提供了一些未來MaaS導入市場時的注意事項及行銷策略參考。


The concept of Maas (Mobility as a service) is the trend of the transportation industry in the world. Its core value is based on the information and communication technology. In the foreign country, the research on Maas has been gradually on the rise in recent years. And there is also began to realize the trend of Maas in Taiwan. However, there is no research on the Maas with social science and the intention of use in domestic development. Therefore, this study used the science and technology acceptance model (TAM) as the theoretical basic model and structural equation model (SEM), regression analysis tools as statistical analysis Maas to understand the intention of use for people who have not contacted the relevant conceptual knowledge of MaaS. It is rare to use the technology acceptance model combined with trust factor in the research of intelligent transportation, so this research integrated the technology acceptance model and trust factor to the Maas to measure the applicability of this model in transportation. Therefore, this study in the science and technology acceptance model based on the impact of trust factors, the cognition of Maas is established by: (1) Maas possible benefits (2) Maas operation Difficulty (3) User's confidence in Maas promotion (4) the user's willingness to use the Maas is affected by the above factors. In this study, the field self-driving group of the Yilan tour was investigated, and a total of 315 samples were collected, 15 of which were invalid questionnaires, 300 valid questionnaires, and data analysis through the structure-side procedure, the results confirm that the eight hypotheses in the theoretical framework were set up (i) "Compatibility" would positively affect the perception ease of use of Maas; (ii) "Values", "perception ease of use" would positively affect the perception useful of Maas; (iii) "Perception useful" positively affects "trust"; (iv) "Trust", "perception usefulness" and "perception ease of use" would positively affect the user's "intention of use" the Maas; (v) The "values" was divided into "innovation" and "environmental protection" two of the structure of the demographic variables as a market segment variable, and identify the potential market needs of target customers; Therefore, this study gave the industry several future contribution of Maas import market and marketing Strategy Reference.


一、 中文部分
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