  • 學位論文


The Local Identity, Consumption and Performance of Lamigo Monkeys’ Supporters

指導教授 : 胡綺珍


Lamigo桃猿隊於2011年北遷至桃園、2013開啟「猿風加油」應援模式,並致力於提升桃園國際棒球場的軟、硬體設備,藉以打造全新的觀賽環境,也吸引了不少原本不看棒球的觀眾入場。本研究將Lamigo桃猿隊的支持者置於消費文化的脈絡中,透過他/她們的消費實踐以及彼此間的區辨,從中知曉其組成與展演的意義。研究方法以參與觀察法以及半結構式深度訪談法進行,針對進場的Lamigo桃猿隊支持者進行訪談,並且觀察球場中人的展演、互動以及消費景觀的呈現方式,企圖描繪出當今職棒場域發展的面貌。   研究發現:一、同為Lamigo桃猿隊支持者的區辨行為確實存在,主要分為四種類型,分別為:死忠棒球迷、散客活動迷、LamiGirls迷以及家庭客,彼此形成在球場中另類的他者。二、多數支持者肯定Lamigo球團的在地性生產活動,不過對於在地的認同似乎尚不能讓部分在地支持者到達「迷」的階段,倒是小孩已有「因為我是桃園人,所以我支持桃猿隊」的精神,顯見在地生產仍有一定成效。三、Lamigo球團透過球場中的消費景觀、支持者的消費實踐與展演,共同構築「超越勝負的感動」所要呈現的象徵意涵,也就是Lamigo球團主打的球場氛圍,即便球賽或輸或贏,都能夠心滿意足地離開球場。總結而言,本研究以宏觀角度探討Lamigo球團的經營模式對其支持者所帶來的影響。在當今職棒場域消費景觀、狂歡節氛圍、地方生產共存的情況下,了解支持者於其中的實踐過程,或許就能一窺台灣棒球未來的發展方向。


支持者 地方性生產 消費文化 景觀 展演 狂歡節


Taiwan’s professional baseball team, Lamigo Monkeys, has attracted many spectators who seldom watch baseball games by moving to Taoyuan city, creating new supporting atmosphere, and enhancing facilities in the Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium. This research puts Lamigo Monkeys’ supporters in the context of consumer culture to realize their classification in sports fans and the meanings of their performance in stadium. The participant observation and semi-structured in-depth interview were used as the research method. By interviewing supporters of Lamigo Monkeys and observing their interaction and spectacles in the stadium, this research hopes to comprehend the development of Taiwan’s professional baseball in these years.   The findings indicate that, firstly, the discriminations among Lamigo Monkeys’ supporters exists. It can be categorized into four types, including traditional baseball fans, theme party fans, LamiGirls fans and family fans. Secondly, although most supporters stay positive to the production of locality by Lamigo Monkeys, some local supporters are not becoming the Lamigo Monkeys’ fan. However, the production of locality still works on children living in Taoyuan city, because they think they should support the local team. Thirdly, Lamigo Monkeys’ slogan “the touching spirit transcending triumph and loss” works through mobilizing supports to be immersed in the stadium spectacles, its consumer culture and performance of supporters. To figure out Lamigo Monkeys’ supporters who coexist with consumption spectacles, carnival and the production of locality, we may envisage the development of Taiwan baseball in the future.


王昭正、朱瑞淵譯(1999)。《參與觀察法》。臺北:弘智文化。(原書Jorgensen, Danny L. 〔1989〕Participant Observation: A Methodology for Human Studies.)
王翊亘(2011)。〈高熊再見 Lamigo北遷桃猿〉,《職業棒球》,347:38-41。
