  • 學位論文


The Effect on Co-experience and Music-Content Congruency on the Augmented Reality Advertising : A Case Study of Music Album

指導教授 : 林慧斐


數位時代的變革影響了大眾聆聽音樂的習慣,使得實體唱片急速衰落、產業迫切轉型,如何發揮實體專輯持有的特色和優勢成為產業課題。近年虛實技術的革新成為行銷領域新的風潮,又以擴增實境廣告最為熱門,藉著虛實互動帶給消費者新的體驗。在科技日新月異的今日,若結合數位與傳統,以擴增實境廣告行銷音樂專輯,是否能夠再次吸引消費者的目光?因此,本研究採2(廣告類型:擴增實境廣告vs非擴增實境廣告)x2(體驗類型:共同體驗vs單獨體驗)x2(背景音樂與內容一致性:一致vs不一致)三因子組內實驗設計,探討其對消費者在音樂專輯購買行為與認知態度的影響,以及心流體驗對自變項(廣告類型、體驗類型、背景音樂與內容一致性類型)與依變項(廣告記憶、廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願)之間的中介效果。 研究結果顯示,(1)相較於非擴增實境廣告,擴增實境廣告會產生較佳的廣告效果;(2)在擴增實境廣告情境下,共同體驗以及背景音樂與內容一致會產生較佳的廣告效果;(3)在非擴增實境廣告情境下,背景音樂與內容不一致會產生較佳的廣告效果;(4)心流體驗在廣告類型和廣告效果、體驗類型和廣告效果中具有中介效果,在背景音樂與內容一致性類型和廣告效果則不具有中介效果。


The change of the digital age has affected public's habit of listening to music. This has caused the music industry to decline rapidly and transformation to the industry is needed. Today, the innovation of virtual reality technology has become a new trend in the marketing field, especially augmented reality advertising. It brings a new interaction experience to consumers through virtual reality. Thus, ''How to exert to the features and advantages of the CD album'' has become an industrial topic. By implying the current technology, will it be able to attract consumers' attention again if music album uses augmented reality advertising in promoting an album? Will the combination of digital and traditional way works? A 2 (Advertisement type: augmented reality advertising vs. non-augmented reality advertising) x 2 (Experience type: single experience vs. co-experience) x 2 (Music-Content congruency: congruence vs. non-congruence) between-subject design was conducted to see if the compatibility among advertisement type, experience type and music-content congruency could affect the advertising effects (brand recall, brand attitude, advertising attitude and purchase intention) of music album, and tested to see if the flow experience mediate the relationship between advertisement type and advertising effects, experience type and advertising effects, and music-content congruency and advertising effects. The experiment results show that (1) compared to the non-augmented reality advertising, augmented reality advertising leads to better advertising effects; (2) under augmented reality advertising condition, co-experience and music-content congruence results in better advertising effects; (3) under non-augmented reality advertising condition, non-congruence music-content has better advertising effects; (4) the flow experience was a significant factor mediating the relationship between the advertisement type and the advertising effect, so did the experience type and the advertising effect. However, it wasn’t a significant factor mediating the relationship between the music-content congruency and the advertising effect.


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