  • 學位論文


The Analysis and the Interpretation of Johannes Brahms Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major, Opus 78

指導教授 : 李燕宜


約翰尼斯・布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897)為十九世紀德國浪漫樂派中期的作曲家,繼承巴洛克與古典樂派嚴謹的創作手法並結合浪漫的詩情與幻想,不僅發展出古典音樂新的面向也顯示自己與眾不同的風格,樹立其在音樂史上重要的地位。 研究生所探討的作品為布拉姆斯的《G大調第一號小提琴奏鳴曲,作品78》(Violin Sonata No.1 in G Major, Opus 78),又名《雨之歌》小提琴奏鳴曲(Violin Sonata ”Regenlied”),是引用自其歌曲作品〈雨之歌〉(Regenlied)及〈餘韻〉(Nach- klang)之創作,藉此悼念教子菲力克斯(Felix Schumann, 1854-1879)病逝,最後於1879年完成。樂曲共包含三個樂章:第一樂章為不太急的甚快板,使用奏鳴曲式寫作;第二樂章為慢板,並於中間樂段使用送葬進行曲風格呈現;第三樂章為極中庸的快板,以輪旋曲式進行創作。 本報告共有五章:第一章為緒論,概述研究生之研究動機與目的,接著介紹研究方法與範圍;第二章介紹約翰尼斯・布拉姆斯之生平、寫作特色與風格、代表作品及作品78的創作背景;第三與第四章為樂曲分析與鋼琴合作探討,深入了解作曲手法及與藝術歌曲之相關性,進而以鋼琴合作者的角度在詮釋上給予適切的建議;第五章為結語。


Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), a 19th century German Romantic composer, inherited compositional styles from the Baroque and Classical periods, and combined them with Romantic poetic lyricism. It not only developed a new direction in classical music, but also showed and established his unique style. Violin Sonata “Regenlied” No. 1 in G major, Opus 78, written in 1879, which quotes his songs “Regenlied” and “Nachklang.” Brahms wrote this sonata to mourn the death of his godson, Felix Schumann (1854-1879). The piece contains three movements: Vivace ma non troppo, composed in sonata form; Adagio, with a funeral march in the middle of the movement; and Allegro molto moderato, composed in rondo form. This paper has five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction and overview of motivation and purpose from writer, then introduces methods and scope of research. Chapter two presents Johannes Brahms's life, style of composition, his masterpieces and background of Opus 78. The third and fourth chapters provide musical analysis and the piano interpretation between violin and piano parts. The fifth chapter is a conclusion.


音樂之友社 編。《古典名曲欣賞導聆:4、室內樂曲》。林勝儀 譯。臺北:美樂出版社,1997。
