  • 學位論文


The Research on Proposal Design of Music Crowdfunding:A Case Study of FlyingV in Taiwan

指導教授 : 白紀齡


近年來,群眾募資已成為臺灣音樂創作者取得資金的重要選項。無論專輯製作發行、音樂錄影帶拍攝或是巡迴演出,經常在臺灣最大的群眾募資網站—FlyingV出現。透過群眾募資,音樂創作者可以直接與消費者對話,遵照自己的想法,設計風格突出的作品以及多元的回饋項目,增加與群眾的互動,進而提高獲得贊助之機會。 群眾募資的興起,許多音樂創作者紛紛以此新興管道作為籌資的方式,透過不同的提案性質、理念傳達以及設計贊助回饋,提升募資成功率。 本研究以臺灣FlyingV之音樂類別募資案為研究對象。將FlyingV成功募資案件的目標金額設定、主力贊助金額、贊助項目設計以及贊助總人數等變數,試圖解釋最終募資總額。經由回歸結果捕捉音樂類別募資案之提案設計要素對於最終募資結果的影響,並與其他產業類別之募資案對照分析。本文並深度訪談FlyingV專案經理,藉此深入了解群眾募資平台在臺灣音樂產業扮演之角色。 量化結果顯示,提案的目標金額設定、主力贊助項目的掌握均能夠有效提升募資總額,音樂類別募資案之贊助項目選項越多,能有效增加募資總額。彙整深度訪談,音樂創作者若能在提案時了解自身定位以及目標受眾,並針對目標受眾設計主力贊助項目以及贊助回饋,均能提升群眾募資案件成功率。 關鍵字:群眾募資、FlyingV、臺灣音樂創作者、提案設計


Crowd funding has recently emerged as a brand new source of funding for Taiwan music industry participants. Such as new album recording, music video filming and touring plan, had already appeared on the FlyingV, the largest crowed funding platform in Taiwan. Artists and composers are able to publish music works with their own style, to increase the interaction with consumers and provide multiple donate rewards to them, thereby enhance the sponsorship. This paper tries to explore the critical success factor of the music category crowed funding cases which had shown on the FlyingV. Setting the objective amount, the most amount of the sponsorship, the number of sponsors and the options of the sponsorship as independent variables, the total amount of the sponsorship as dependent variable. This study used the ordinary least square to estimate the effect of proposal design on the result of music funding cases. More completely conclusion through the depth interview could further understand the impact of crowed funding on Taiwan music industry. Results show that the objective amount, the most amount of the sponsorship and the options of the sponsorship are able to raise the total amount of sponsorship. To enhance the success rate of the music crowed funding cases, proposers need to convey the positioning of the cases and to find the target audience. By designing the sponsor options and the donate rewards, Taiwan music industry participants are able to obtain the sponsorship and start their musical projects. Keywords: Crowed Funding, FlyingV, Music Industry Participants, Proposal Design


一、 中文部分
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林亭佑 (2015),群眾募資專案成效之影響因素:臺灣群眾募資平台flyingV之實證研究,國立臺灣大學。
