  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 簡淑真


本研究旨在探究一位資深優良的幼兒教師如何運用班級經營策略,促進幼兒自主學習。本研究採質性研究方法,以一位資深優良教師為研究對象,主要研究場域為研究對象所任教之中小混齡(3-4歲)的新生班級—台北市某公立國小附設幼兒園的「昆蟲班(化名)」。研究者以參與觀察的方式,進行為期一學期的入班觀察,透過現場攝影、拍照和觀察記錄的方式,蒐集教師在開學前的「預備階段」、幼兒入學後的「發展階段」以及期末的「成熟階段」於學習區中運用「環境規劃」、「常規建立」、「課程與教學」三個面向的班級經營策略。同時觀察教師實施這三面向班級經營策略時,幼兒所展現的自主學習風貌。研究過程中,研究者也透過正式與非正式訪談瞭解研究對象的教育理念及策略實施時的思考。主要本研究之主要研究結果如下: 一、教師在「環境規劃」面向運用之策略: (一)覺察環境的優勢與特性,積極為幼兒量身打造支持自主學習的環境 (二)就地取材營造一個能促進幼兒自主學習動機、富有意義的學習環境 二、教師在「常規建立」面向運用之策略: (一)利用「有節有序」策略將流程結構化,養成幼兒自律習慣 (二)運用「見微知著」策略多面向考慮問題成因,培養幼兒自主能力 三、教師在「課程與教學」面向運用之策略: (一)化幼兒被動為主動,引發幼兒內在學習興趣 (二)掌握鷹架使用的時機點,有效提升幼兒自主學習 四、幼兒展現主動、投入且樂於學習自主學習的風貌 五、影響幼兒自主學習的因素,除了教師在班級經營上所運用的策略,教師的個人特質、教育信念及執行的態度也是重要的關鍵。 文末,本研究依據研究發現進行討論並提供幼兒園及教師在促進幼兒自主學習上的建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate how an excellent senior preschool teacher uses class management strategies to promote young children's self-regulation learning. This study adopted qualitative research method. The study field was in the subject research’s class which was a mixed-age class (3-4 years old) of public preschool in Taipei city. The researcher spent one-semester in the class to do participant observation. During the time, the researcher observed what strategies the teacher used on " Planning environment ", " Establishing routine rules " and " Teaching and curriculum " to promote young children's self-regulation learning As well as, to observed what behaviors do the children show while the strategies were implemented? The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.Strategies for the teacher to use on " Planning environment ": (1)Having an awareness of the advantages of the environment, and actively creating an environment to support children’s self-regulation learning. (2)Acquiring local materials to create a meaningful learning environment, promoting the motivation of children's self-regulation learning. 2.Strategies for the teacher to use on " Establishing routine rules ": (1)Structuring the process to foster children’s self-discipline. (2)Considering the cause of the disciplinary problem from different aspects to foster children's self-regulation. 3.Strategies for the teacher to use on " Teaching and curriculum ": (1)Allow young children to learn actively rather than passively, increasing children’s intrinsic motivation. (2)Mastering the timing of intervention to improve the self-regulation learning of young children. 4.The children participating in the study showed self-regulating behaviors in initiative, enthusiastic, and pleasure to learn. 5.Besides those strategies of class management, the teachers' personal traits, educational beliefs, and attitudes are also important At the end of the study, researcher proposed relevant suggestions based on the research findings.


