  • 學位論文


A Study of Seniors’ Preference for Servicescape of Public Libraries’ Senior Active Learning Centers

指導教授 : 邱銘心


公共圖書館為地方的知識門戶,並提供個人及社群終身學習、獨立判斷及文化發展的環境,旨在滿足教育與資訊的需求,而圖書館館舍建物是公共圖書館服務裡非常重要的一環,其設計應反應圖書館服務的功能,為社區成員利用,並能靈活適應服務工作的興革。我國自1993年即正式邁入高齡化社會,教育部亦於2006年制定《邁向高齡社會老人教育政策白皮書》,因此圖書館樂齡專屬區域的服務環境設計更顯重要。本研究以臺北市立圖書館內之6所樂齡學習中心為研究場域,並以其所屬樂齡讀者為研究對象,選擇照片引談法為資料蒐集方法,藉此透過照片及訪談探討樂齡讀者使用圖書館樂齡中心時所偏重的服務環境因素,希望能作為未來公共圖書館樂齡專屬區域規劃之參考。 本研究共訪談24位受訪者,徵集到285張照片,研究結果發現:(一)樂齡讀者於樂齡中心之使用需求包括資訊需求、學習需求、休閒需求及社交需求;(二)知覺構面中,最吸引樂齡讀者注意的是視覺因素;(三)設計構面中,樂齡讀者較在意指引、設備與桌椅;(四)社會構面中,服務環境的互動氛圍影響樂齡讀者的使用感受甚鉅;(五)服務環境三大構面中,樂齡讀者最偏重功能設計類項;(六)功能設計及社會構面對樂齡讀者造成的負面內在反應會導致規避行為,知覺構面則無造成規避行為,三者讓樂齡讀者衍生的正面內在反應皆可產生趨近行為;(七)照片引談法有助樂齡讀者審視服務環境。


The coming of aging societies is a global trend and Taiwan is included as one of the aging societies, according to United Nations’ criteria. The public library, as a local gateway to knowledge, plays an important role in providing a basic condition for lifelong learning. As library services and architecture change from collection-centered to user-centered, users consistently demand the physical library space, even with the decline of the usage rates. Related research indicates that in addition to the services and collections, the design of the servicescape also affects the user intent and attitude toward libraries’ physical space. With this regard, this study aims to understand from the senior users’ perspective of the way that servicescape should be designed. This study used “Photo-elicitation” as its data collection method, which utilized the photographs taken by respondents as a tool for in-depth interview. Photo-elicitation is believed to have the ability to narrow the gap between the respondents and the researchers, while helping to embody the abstract concepts. It is hoped that by adopting this method, respondents can be guided to clearly describe their preference of servicescape in public libraries’ active learning setting. Twenty-four senior users were interviewed and a total of 285 photographs were solicited and used as data source. This study confirms that senior users are more sensitive to the visual aspect of servicescape design. The functional aspect of the servicescape is most valued, especially its assistance for activities and moves, as well as demand satisfaction. Customer service attitude and dynamics of active learning center are two critical factors that senior users valued most regarding the aspect of social interaction. In addition to exploring senior users’ preference of servicescape, this study also attempts to construct a framework that serves as guidance for designing and evaluating servicescape in public libraries.


Chang, K.-C. (2016). Effect of servicescape on customer behavioral intentions: Moderating roles of service climate and employee engagement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 53, 116-128. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2015.12.003.
公共圖書館宣言(1994)。上網日期:2016 年 5 月24 日,檢自:http://lins.fju.edu.tw/mao/pl/uplm1994.html。


