  • 學位論文

EFL 學習者可能自我及對寫作回饋之學習投入在寫作成績上之影響

The Effects of EFL Learners’ Possible Selves and Learner Engagement with Teachers’ Written Corrective Feedback on Writing Achievement

指導教授 : 朱錫琴


影響第二語言寫作成績的因素有許多,例如學習者在認知上、語言上、心理上以及其他有關自我學習上的變項。本研究主要目的為(一)探討影響第二語言寫作成績的相關因素。(二)觀察各變項與第二語言寫作的直接與間接關係。 透過路徑分析法,本研究旨在觀察第二語言學習者的「可能自我」、「對教師寫作回饋的學習投入」及「第二語言寫作成績」之間的間接與直接關係。首先,藉由文獻探討繪製影響上述三個變項的假設路徑圖。接著,蒐集兩百筆北臺灣大學生的問卷調查及第二語言寫作成績。最後,利用路徑分析法觀察結果是否驗證此假設路徑。 本研究結果指出「可能自我-理想我」有效預測 「對於教師寫作回饋在結構問題上的學習投入」,而「對於教師寫作回饋在結構問題上的學習投入」有效預測「第二語言寫作成績」。另一方面,「可能自我-應該我」則有效負向預測「第二語言寫作成績」。在間接效果上,「對於教師寫作回饋在結構問題上的學習投入」有效調節 「可能自我-理想我」及「第二語言寫作成績」。 根據本研究,第二語言學習者發展出「可能自我-理想我」且「對於教師寫作回饋在結構問題上的學習投入」可以有效提升「第二語言寫作成績」。 教育工作者可以瞭解如何有效運用不同類型的教師寫作回饋、學習者的可能自我及學習者在教師寫作回饋上的學習投入來幫助學習者增進第二語言寫作的成績。


Second language (L2) writing is regarded as the most demanding task for L2 learners since it not only involves cognitive, linguistic and psychological factors, but also engages learners’ Self-regulated learning (SRL) variables. To delve into the topic of how to teach L2 writing more efficiently, the current study aims to examine the causal relationships among SRL variables: possible selves, L2 learners’ engagement with two different types of teacher written corrective feedback (WCF) and writing performance. To reach the purpose, this study first proposes a hypothesized path model according to the rationales in the literature review. Second, 200 undergraduate students adapted from Tsao (2018) are main subjects and they are required to complete a three-section questionnaire and a writing test. Last, the valid data are to verify the model through path analysis. The result indicates that ideal self has significantly effects on L2 learners’ engagement with both local- and global-based teacher WCF and L2 learners’ engagement with global-based teacher WCF can significantly predict L2 learners’ writing scores. However, ought-to self has significantly negative prediction on L2 learners’ writing score and ought-to self only significantly predict local- based teacher WCF. Concerning the mediating effects, ideal self exerts indirect effects on L2 learners writing scores via L2 learners’ engagement with global-based teacher WCF. In conclusion, students with ideal self and learners’ engagement with global-based teacher WCF can significantly enhance learners’ L2 writing score. The study provides educators and instructors with several insights on how to give different types of WCF effectively, how to help EFL learners develop their possible selves to improve their L2 writing efficiently.


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